Chapter 6

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Arriving at Williams, my mother stood next to another woman. They talked hard and Luca did the same as she did with probably a mechanic. I briefly thought about whether I should just go back because they were busy. But Luca had already noticed me and called for me. He had spread his arms so that he could hug me, which he did immediately.

I politely strained the mechanic with whom my stepfather had been talking. Although I unfortunately had to give the wrong one, the other one was packed in a fat plaster. Under this plaster it slowly began to itch through the heat. With things as different as possible, other than my broken hand, I tried to distract myself.

Without wanting to disturb the conversation, I stood next to my mom. She didn't pay attention to me at first and kept talking to the woman who was a little older than Mum. It was this one that stopped the conversation and put my hand out. She had kindly introduced herself as Claire Williams, which I then liken to her. Mum then pressed a kiss on my cheek to greet me, which I let go of annoyed. I didn't like my mum's snuggling, I'd often told her. What it had brought, had now been seen again. Mrs. Williams had seen us laughing but said nothing.

"Your mom said that one day you would take over her business. Then I would probably have to negotiate with you so that we could get components for our car", it had been an attempt by the woman to engage me in a conversation. But before I could open my mouth, my mother had been faster.

"At the moment it's still my company, but after her studies she will join the family business," Mum beamed, leaving me no chance to answer herself. Because I didn't want to speak to Mum in public, I just put on a smile. I must have looked like Maria, as fake as my smile was. Mother hadn't noticed it at all, because she just kept talking about my great studies. The situation became more and more unpleasant for me, because I was no longer studying.

Silently I let my mother tell me that I would hide the truth for as long as possible with Dad it works very well. As long as I didn't say anything, I couldn't betray myself. Like a doll, I stood smiling next to my mother as she continued to rave about me and my future. I would be reluctant to disrupt your dreams, but at some point I would have to. But I'd rather be tomorrow than today.

Claire broke away from the conversation with my mother and looked back at me: "What happened to your hand?" How I hated it when everyone always asked for it. Even thought of ignoring a plaster, accidents are always a bit embarrassing. Because I had never seen or heard of a clever accident.

"Middle hand bone fracture, stupid accident", I didn't want to say more about it. Doesn't everyone have to tell my stupidity, Claire was happy with it. Probably she just wanted to interrupt my mother, because as she started talking, it was difficult to stop her. At least Mum had been quiet for a few seconds now, but immediately she had to tell again how rabid I could be.

I quickly apologized and joined Luca again. Who was still talking to a boy my age. The boy dressed, as the second training would probably start now. The men didn't notice me, I thought I was in the air for my families. Well, Luca wasn't really family, he was just my mother's husband. Not that Luca excluded me, he had always done the opposite of it. Sometimes my stepparents were more parents than my right ones. But they weren't my parents and could disappear from my life at any time. For this reason, I have a certain emotional distance from them. Enough times a friend of my father had entered my life and immediately disappeared again, as a child I could not understand it. At that time, I always thought that they didn't like me anymore and that's why they left.

"Come along, I'll show you where the team is sitting," Claire had probably got rid of my mother. I nodded to her from the pit into the pit lane. Shortly the team leader made sure that no car was leaving the box, then she switched to the other side of the road. I had followed her like a little duck of his mom. Next to Claire, I sat on a bar stool-like chair and sat down like Claire Headset.

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