Chapter 92

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"Laura!", immediately I left everything standing. Without thinking, I ran into my friend's arms and pressed myself firmly against him. Campari ran around us as if disturbed and jumped up our legs from time to time. But this didn't bother Lando or me. Just now only the two of us counted.

I easily detached myself from his chest so I could give him a long kiss on the lips: "How much I've missed that for the last two weeks." It was just a whiff, but the complete truth. To have his smell in my nose and to feel his lips on mine, I had missed painfully.

"Don't cry, my Julia. I'm here," I hadn't even noticed my tears. But my friend had missed nothing and gently caught them off my cheeks. Immediately pressed me firmly against me again, we had not noticed the people at the airport.

Carefully, Lando created a distance between our bodies: "Do we want to go? I think Soda will be looking forward to her buddy down here." I nodded because I just wanted to go home. So I lifted my handbag from the floor and took the leash back in my hand. Lando took my sports bag, in which I had transported the dress for tomorrow, so we had everything and could go to the car.

In the car, the Briton immediately put a hand on my thigh: "What is Mirella doing now that you are here?" Concentrated, he drove from the parking lot and threaded himself in the evening traffic of England. At the same time, he probably wanted to know everything he had missed in the two weeks.

"She has an appointment with Manuel." Surprised and confused, Lando looked at me for a second. "They want to try again and this time right, so no more cheating. Only I don't know what to think of it. If they both manage it, I'll be happy for them, but I think they're not there yet. Maybe they are the right people, but at the wrong time. It might have been better if they had both lived out for a while now and then tried again."

"Maybe they needed the short separation to understand that they need each other more than anyone else. In the end, the two have to decide it and not us," he was right. But I was afraid that Mirella could be really hurt this time. Because even though she might have been serious, I didn't know how Manuel was doing. Since their separation, I had not seen him and could not estimate whether he was really serious.

I put my hand on his, which was still on my thigh. "What did I miss here in England? How are your preparations going?" Finally, I didn't want to silence the conversation and I wondered what I had missed.

"I was in London again with the guys on Wednesday, have you heard about Seychelles? That she and George are no longer a couple?", my eyes became huge. The Dutchwoman hadn't told me a word about it, and neither had George.

Fallen from all clouds, I looked at him: "They just broke up, so we also met with George to distract him." So Seychelle had probably closed, which surprises me a lot. Since they had always looked so in love, even on New Year's Eve.

"But on New Year's Eve everything was still fine? Did he say anything else, so why?", actually it was none of our business. As his best friend and good friend of Sey's, I wondered what I had missed there. Or had I been so blind?

Lando quickly overtook a car before returning to the conversation: "George said that she just didn't feel like living alone anymore. She just couldn't imagine a future like that." I got cold and hot at the same time, because again a couple that broke at the distance. So only Alex and Lily who had been able to do it for a long time remained or was it only a matter of time for them?

"Stop worrying now that we will feel the same way. Because I don't let anything divide us so much, before that I move in with you and Mirella in the apartment. Are you done there now?" He skilfully changed the subject.

I looked out the window when I answered. "The furniture is standing and the walls are painted. Now there are still so little things missing, which you buy little by little. Everything necessary is available and we are re-registered with the offices."

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