Chapter 40

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"Are you just getting to know his family, or he's yours? As nervous as you're drumming on the table you might think the Queen himself is coming," my uncle was slowly annoyed. We had been in the restaurant for 6 minutes and I could hardly sit still. For the first time, I would officially introduce my friend to a family member, even if it was just my uncle.

For a long time, I had tried to talk myself and Lando out somehow, so that this meeting could not take place. Unfortunately, Antonio couldn't get away from getting to know the 'Casanova'. Lando had also said immediately when I asked him, but he had been squealing at me all day with clothes photos all day. In the end he had decided on a normal suit, after all it was not exactly a cheap restaurant.

I was terrified when a hand lay on my bare shoulder: "Why so scary, my Julia." The last part he had only swelled against my lips, for immediately he had put his lips on mine. Far too quickly, however, he broke free and turned to Uncle Antonio, who had stood up. Antonio was much bigger and wider than Lando, but he wasn't really intimidated by it. With a broad grin, my friend held my uncle's hand and politely introduced himself.

"I hope you know that If you hurt her, I will break all your bones?" my uncle had a cold look. Since the phone call, I have been watching my uncle even more closely than before, as if I was just looking for proof of my mafia guess. Until the phone call, I had never believed that there might be any rumours about my family and the mafia, now all of a time I wasn't so sure, at least with my uncle.

Lando smiled a little nervously and briefly looked at me: "Never would I bend your niece even a hair." My uncle was probably satisfied with this, because he knocked the British man appreciatively on the school and then pointed to the chair on the other side of me. So, my friend sat opposite my uncle and briefly an unpleasant silence occurred.

"Do you already have plans for what you will do after your career?" asked Antonio von Lando. He had just got his drink and swallowed something at the coke. Lando hadn't even had his 20th birthday and my uncle was already starting to talk about his career ending, which I hope will take another 20 years.

My uncle was still looking at Lando, and he became a little insecure: "Not really yet, I mean this is still so far away." If he tried to get out somehow, but my uncle probably didn't seem to have enough of that answer, because he looked strictly to my friend.

"How do you intend to feed your family when you stop driving. I hope you don't want to go any further when the first child is there. Your profession isn't exactly risk-free, you could die, then Laura would be alone with a child," now it was me who swallowed herself. I didn't even think about a child and under no circumstances would I ask Lando to give up his job.

Outraged, I looked at my uncle: "Surely he will continue to drive, because children are not at the top of my plan yet and if he won't stop. You always take a risk, so why should he give up what he likes most." Lando had put his hand on mine lying on the table. Reassuringly, he stroked over them, which also worked immediately. My uncle raised his hands defensively and almost started laughing. That's why I looked a little confused to Lando, who looked at me the same way.

"I just wanted to see how you reacted. But if you leave my niece alone with a baby, I will personally make sure you rot in hell. But now we should rather turn to pleasing things", I would have liked to have turned my uncle's neck for this action. Lando immediately seemed to relax a bit and take the whole thing a little looser than Me. One could really wonder who had just met one of the other's family members. If I got to know Lando's family, I'd probably go through it.

Luckily the waitress came, and we could order our food. As clever as I was, I just ordered the same as my uncle. We liked the same things, so I didn't need to be afraid of surprises and the problem of not being able to decide a lot of the same way.

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