Chapter 66

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"Maybe I should get Lando", we were certainly in the toilets for 10 minutes. I stared at myself through the mirror while Charlotte stood at the door and was visibly overwhelmed. We hadn't spoken a word to each other, so I was almost terrified when she wanted to get Lando back.

She was about to open the door when I turned to her: "Have you ever felt like you don't really know someone, even though they've been by your side all your life?" Charlotte paused and turned back to me, carefully shaking her head.

"I think I really should get Lando, we don't really know each other," she said. But there were so many thoughts and questions, I probably wouldn't really get answers to them. So at least I had hoped that I wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Since she really wanted to get Lando, I broke free from the sink and held her back before she could open the door properly: "No word to anyone. We were both just in the toilet, please." She seemed to struggle with herself for a short time, but agreed and hopefully would keep tight.

I briefly looked in the mirror to make sure I wasn't looked at. When I was sure, I went back to the big room with Charlotte. We had a superficial conversation before our paths separated and we sat at our tables again.

"Where were you? You missed the speech, the appetizer is coming," Claire was more worried than angry. But in the undertone I had also recognized the rebuke and I definitely deserved it. I wasn't just any employee, I wasn't, I was a williams partner. As a role model, I should have a little more control and not shy from talking. I had naned the speech, I didn't know.

I leaned slightly to Claire because not everyone had to listen to our conversation: "I was just on the toilet, I didn't know anyone wanted to give a speech. Doesn't happen again."

"You smell the smoke, Laura. I hope you weren't just in the toilet, because smoking is forbidden inside," I tried to smell inconspicuously. But since I had been in the smoke all the time, I couldn't see it. I just hoped he was gone before Lando would come to me.

Actually Lando had already seen me smoke and it was no secret in the sense. But somehow I was embarrassed to smoke in front of him, because I felt like I was showing weakness with it. Besides, I knew only too well how reluctant Lando saw me smoking because it was deadly.

Our little conversation was interrupted because a waiter came with our salad plates. I politely thanked me and waited until everyone had their plate at our table, then we started with food. As before, there was a lively conversation again, only I sat there and listened with one ear to the conversations.

Carefully, I looked around the room again, if possible without paying attention: "Laura when does the university start again and how long do you have to study?" It had been John who probably wanted to try to involve me in the conversations.

"At the end of January or the beginning of February the university starts again, then I have to study for another two years and I have a bachelor's degree. Actually, my parents always wanted me to do the master's, but I can't let you wait four years, my parents will understand that. In addition, Mirella will torment herself up to the Master,' I answered the questions.

Michael next to me turned off his wine glass and turned to me: "Mirella is your best friend, or am I wrong?" More out of courtesy than out of interest, he asked this, at least I believed it. In any case, I nodded in response because I had just put a fork in my mouth and didn't want to be rude.

"But you come to visit us at the European races, otherwise I will come to Zurich and abduct you," micheal said. We both smiled and the others laughed at the joke, though I wasn't sure if he would.

The rest of the food went very quietly for me, as they were again dedicated to their adult subjects and I didn't really want to have a say. I had no children, nor was I married. Somehow it was frightening to hear from them what would happen to me if this changed. From screaming children and sleepless nights to divorce, I was allowed to listen to everything. I would have preferred to have run away from my table screaming, because they did not give me any courage for my future.

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