Chapter 57

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Luca had gone straight up into my room with the suitcases, while I looked carefully into the kitchen to see where my mother was: "Mom?!" I listened because I wanted to hear where the answer came from, because it wasn't in the kitchen.

"You're already there, excuse me, I haven't heard. I am Sophia's mother to Laura," Mum Lando kindly swayed. Lando also gave my mother a little awkward, as he still had the monkey on his arm.

If anyone can remember, my father's sister is also called Sophia. For me, this wasn't a problem because Mum is mum to me. It should be less of a problem for Lando, too, as I was careful to keep my biological families away from each other, but at first it should confuse him a little bit. His sister and mother were immediately called in and he should be used to it.

My mother smiled kindly at the McLaren driver: "As I see, Javier has already taken over your friend. You've probably made a good catch, if even Javier lets himself be sluggish from him." I smiled at my mother; she was right.

"Where is Matteo?" I wanted to know immediately from my mother. He had never been the one who left everything to greet anyone. He always finished his things before greeting the guests. But I would have liked it if he had come too and welcomed Lando and me.

My mother smiled at me tiredly: "He's in the treehouse, he's there almost all the time." I understood what she was saying to me and smiled at her for that. I had once built the treehouse with Abuelo, and it still lasted. It had once been my retreat in this house if I wanted to be alone. Matteo made it the same to me.

"Javier show Lando your room, I'll go to pick up Matteo in time," my smallest brother nodded enthusiastically. As he was fidgeting around in my friend's arms, he put Javier on the ground. But the little monkey immediately took my friend's hand and dragged him to the stairs.

Over his shoulder, he looked at me and my mother: "Was nice to have met her Misses Lopez." Then he gave in to my brother's pull and let himself be led up the stairs to the nursery of my little brother.

"Woe to you, I don't accept another son-in-law, so that's clear," my mother clarified. Since the door had been closed, Lando had hopefully not heard it. It was enough that Luca had called him a 'future son-in-law'. Even though I didn't dream of letting the British go again, he didn't have to be called a son-in-law. I still had two years of study ahead of me if I could do the exams.

I smiled softly at my mother: "I'm not giving it up, I promised. But now I take care of my brother." She nodded to me, so I went off to look at my brother. Even though I had a closer relationship with Javier than with Matteo, he was just as important to me. In addition, the little one was very similar to me in some things, so I could imagine how he dealt with grief. When Abuelo died, I had locked myself in this treehouse for almost a week and didn't want to talk to anyone.

Matteo may not be five, but I was pretty sure he understood what it meant to be death. He was very clever for his age, which always made me proud as a big sister. At such a moment, however, it would probably be easier if he did not understand it, like Javier.

Over the veranda I went into the big garden at the very back then stood the big tree with the house on it. If you wanted to go up there, you had to climb a rope ladder, which I did. Since the Locke was closed at the top, I had to stop and knock.

"I am, bigger. Please let me in, otherwise I'll fall down" my autumn boots weren't the best shoes for such an action, but I just didn't care. For it was not about me, but about a little boy who was full of grief, which he had never felt before.

Carefully the loop opened over me, and I was able to get inside the hut. But since I couldn't stand in it any more, I crawled away from the opening a bit and closed the loop again. Then look around the small hut for my brother's curly head. I quickly found the back of my head with a beanbag. Matteo had hidden his head in it and seemed to cry.

Without saying anything, I sat down next to this bag and drove over my brother's head. Sobs were clearly visible to see what broke my heart. But it was important that he cried when he felt it was too brave. He shouldn't end up as introverted as I do, he should be able to show feelings, this would make life easier for him than me.

Slowly he turned his head to me and looked at me with red eyes: "Why do Abuelas have to die? I want her back with me." I wouldn't show that I was happy to be rid of the witch, but it was the wrong time.

'I know it hurts, and it doesn't really get any better. I still miss Abuelo, even though he has been dead for so long, but you will learn to see the beautiful things. The great moments you had with Abuela. Why people have to die, I can't explain to you, it's just the course of life. Children are born and at some point, we have to go again", I tried to be comforting and yet honest. It would not help my brother if I were to lie to him now, because one day he would recognize the lies.

Slightly anxious, he looked at me: "Will you go?" I briefly thought about what to say, because one day I too would have to leave. Whether it was tomorrow or in 100 years, no one could tell me what was good.

'Everyone has to go one day, but I'm not going to go that fast. First, you still want nieces or nephews, but I have to stay here for a long time. Even if I can't promise you that I'm still 100 years old. So, I can promise you to always be with you, just as Abuela will always be. For it is and always will be a part of you. Maybe she's right here in the room with us and watching us," my brother's eyes grew big.

A slight smile was placed on his lips: "I love you Laura." He dropped off the beanbag and climbed onto my legs. He firmly pressed on my torso, which touched me.

'I love you too, no matter what, I'm always there. Finally, this in the big sister contract," Matteo laughed as he listened to my heartbeat. It seemed to reassure him for good that he could be sure that I was still alive.

How long we simply sat in this corner of the treehouse and enjoyed the warmth of the other I could not say. But it felt nice, because Matteo had never come so close to me. He was generally not the person who was looking for the closeness of someone, which he probably had in common with me.

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