Chapter 75

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Shortly after four o'clock in the afternoon, Cisca, Savannah and I were back in the kitchen as we were going to make dinner. Meanwhile, Lando, Flo, Cisca and Oliver were busy decorating the tree in the living room and Adam had gone for a walk with the dogs so that he could get out of the chaos. At least that's what he called it.

«How do you and Oliver spend the Christmas days?», I looked at the blonde. This was like me peeling potatoes, as there would be potatoes. There was classical music in the background, which always had something Christmassy for me.

She looked at me briefly, then looked at her potato again: "We will be here until and with tomorrow and then go to my family. What about you and Lando?". We had only met yesterday, but we actually got along quite well. We wouldn't become best friends, but we got along.

"Tomorrow with my adoptive parents, on Wednesday with my dad and Thursday with mom," I said just barely. Compared to strangers, I was always uncomfortable that I had such a complicated family. Because it was not normal and also very personal. Often one was judged and condemned because of the family.

The less people knew about me and my family, the less they could hurt me. As half Italian and half Spanish, my family and my pride were almost the most important thing to me, both of which I defended with my life. Anyone who said anything against Lando, my brothers, parents or other family members quickly felt my claws.

Savannah just smiled shyly at me: "Sounds like a full program. Does Lando already know your family or will it be the first meeting?» Cisca had gone to get something briefly and just came back to the kitchen, looking at us with a big smile. But I quickly detached my gaze from my friend's mother and looked at Oliver's girlfriend.

"He knows my biological parents, siblings and uncles, but not yet my Nonna and adoptive parents. Was Oliver so relaxed when he met your family? Lando doesn't seem to be nervous and worried, but I almost got into my pants with fear", to be honest lando's composure made me twice as nervous. After all, my family should love him, so my Nonna above all, she was an important person for me, next to Uncle Antonio.

Savannah nodded, "It made me feel like he wasn't scared. I imagined the worst scenarios and he didn't even seem to have thought about it and that drove me crazy."

"That's typical for the boys," the mother of our friends now intervened, "they always want to make you strong. Believe me, inside the blood has sweated or are just doing it. But they would never admit that, because their pride is too great for that. Adam is still nervous when my parents come, that's why he also yed out the dogs and wanted to go running."

Surprised, the blonde and I looked to the Belgian, we had probably not expected that. After more than 20 years of marriage, one should have become accustomed to the family of the other and see it as one's own family. At least it already felt to me like I was almost a part of this family.

"I also heard before how Lando got tips from Oliver regarding the first meeting from the family. Even if some tips weren't exactly the best, Lando will manage it. But maybe you should both talk to the boys about it, not that Lando still goes to sleep in a suit, if your parents come to your room," I looked at Cisca confused.

Savannah started laughing: "Oliver actually did it the first night, but then it was too uncomfortable for him. He always wanted to look good when my parents saw him or could see him. Stupidly, my mother woke us up the morning when he had slept with the Superman shirt. My mother didn't care, but he found it embarrassing and I was funny." That explained a lot, but I didn't think Lando would do it. Especially since he hadn't packed a suit at all, after all, we would celebrate Christmas and not go to a funeral or anything else.

"He didn't pack a suit, so I don't have to worry about that. But do you still have any tips for me on how I can help Lando or what I should pay attention to?", the two thought briefly.

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