Chapter 46

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Tired, I hid under the blanket when my boyfriend's alarm clock rang. He had deliberately the alarm a little earlier, so we could get to my team hotel before we would walk back to the paddock. Since we wouldn't see each other after this weekend in Austin until the next race, we wanted to have as much time as possible. But we both forgot that getting up early wasn't ours.

Lando at least turned off his phone and rubbed his eyes while I was back to sleep. Unfortunately, my boyfriend did not allow this, he had knocked back the blanket, so that now had none. I wanted to whine and with my eyes closed again after these grips, unfortunately I couldn't find them anymore. Well or badly, I had to open my eyes and gave up sleeping with it.

Lando had already sat on the edge of the bed so that I could see his bare back. You could watch the hard training, which Of course I liked. So, I crawled over the mattress and hugged my boyfriend from behind. He had just written something into the driver's group, but I didn't really pay attention to that.

"Good morning mi vita," I whispered in his ear. Whereupon his neck hair sat up, and he had to swallow once, because I immediately pressed a kiss on his jaw.

My arms lay loosely around his neck, which he touched with his hand: "Tomorrow, my Juliette. What does mi vita mean?" I had just called him that for the first time and I liked it even better than in my thoughts. So, I had to smile slightly, which Lando could see through the reflection on the window.

"My life," my boyfriend's eyes were big. He turned around in my clutch and threw me back on the mattress. His head was only a few centimeters above mine, with a broad laugh on his face.

Carefully, he lowered his head and swiped mine with his lips as he paused briefly: "You don't know what you're doing to me. I love you so much that it almost hurts to be separated from you for a second." He finally kissed me properly, but before I could hold him, he broke free.

"I go to the bathroom before, I don't fall asleep again," he actually disappeared into the bathroom with a laugh. I was left lying for a few seconds before I got up. I briefly looked at the paint and was reassured that nothing had gone wrong. So, I was able to dedicate myself to the search for my shirt, because I had just thrown it away in the semi-darkness with tiredness, now it was no longer to be found.

I was even looking under the bed when the bathroom door opened: "Are you looking for this here?" Laughing, my boyfriend held up the Williams shirt and I looked at him badly. Surely, he hadn't just found it and had deliberately let me look longer.

I got up and wanted to take the shirt out of his hand as he held it up: "First I want a finder's wage." I briefly thought about giving him the reward he wanted, a kiss. But then I just found it just to annoy him, so I turned away from him and already took my bag.

"From me, we can go like this," we looked at each other in a challenging way. Nobody wanted to give in, but Lando didn't want me to walk around the city in a lace bra, my boyfriend was in a dilemma. Of course, I didn't want to walk through the city like that, but I didn't want to give in either. Especially since I speculated that Lando would not allow this.

Waiting, I looked at my boyfriend, who threw the shirt at me. Broadly grinning, I put it on and smiled confidently in front of me. After my boyfriend had also dressed and packed everything for the trainings, we went to my hotel. This was exactly five minutes away from the Russo Hotel and was even on the way. Some team members of Alfa Romeo and Williams were already on the road and came to meet us.

"Did you really go out without a shirt?" asked Lando. I stood in the bathroom and made up, but looked through the mirror to my boyfriend. He stood leaning against the cream behind me and also looked at me in the mirror.

A slight smile was placed on my lips as I shrugged my shoulders: "I trusted you not to allow it." Lando, too, had to laugh and came to me. From behind, he put his arms around me and kissed my neck before looking back into my eyes through the mirror.

"Then we are glad that I don't have as much pride as you. I also don't like other men to beg you," he said. I turned around in his embrace and folded my arms behind his head.

His eyes, as always, had this special glow: "But I don't care about other men, because I only see you." I kissed him briefly before I finished. But my boyfriend didn't move away from me. At the moment, however, it didn't bother me much because I knew what was to come in the next few weeks.

We walked through the streets of Mexico City: "I want the weekend never to pass. Leaving yourself alone for two weeks is horrible." Theatrically, he had raised his hands, but he had not let go of my hand. Laughing, I held on to his upper arm with the other hand. I leaned my head on him for a short time before we went on.

"I'm not going to be alone, my watchdog is with me," my boyfriend had to laugh. I, too, had to laugh at my own joke, because I didn't find it bad. Of course, George Russell was meant by watchdog, Russell was also a breed of dog, so we both laughed now. With tears of laughter in his eyes, my boyfriend looked at me and pressed a kiss on my temples.

Arriving at the site, we were able to quickly identify a group of young drivers to go to: "Tomorrow. What's so new?" The looks on me could only feel too well and see, I just ignored them. It was very sweet and sweet when everyone was worried, but I was fine.

"Have you just got a replacement for you know who," the watchdog threw in the round. I only bit my lip because I wanted to make a comment, but I couldn't stop it for a long time.

Played by surprise, I looked at George: "I didn't even know we had Lord Voldemort in the team." While slight gigs sounded from some, George looked at me perplexed. The rattling in his head could already be seen. Until the pear was illuminated and George understood the joke. This picture made me laugh again because it looked hilarious.

"I'll leave you at the watchdog, Carlos and I should slowly join our team," Lando said after a kiss. Carlos followed him after a short farewell, so I stood with the two Red Bull drivers, Leclerc and Russell. Alex, who understood the wink with watchdog, started laughing while George looked slightly offended. Verstappen and Leclerc didn't understand the joke. That's why I explained this to them, and thus I was able to get them a grin.

Then we completely dissolved the group as it was really time to prepare for the training. George and I walked silently side by side to Williams' building. The events of the previous day were still hanging over us and made the silence a little weird. George was already turning to his driveway and wanted to open the door.

I sum up all the courage: "George? Thank you." As if struck by lightning, the Briton stopped at the door, slowly turned to me. A dainty smile lay on his lips as he looked at me.

"Not for this, small ones," he disappeared into the interior of his room. I looked briefly at the door before taking the few steps to the main entrance of the building. Inside, the few employees who just approached me greeted me and tried to treat me as normal as possible. I always smiled back and greeted everyone by name. Since Williams wasn't that big, it was very familiar and everyone knew each other by name. It was perhaps a shock to many, especially Claire.

I almost reached my office when a voice brought me to a standstill: "Can we talk?" On the toe tips, I turned to The Williams team leader and looked into her worried face. Unlike myself, Claire seemed to have had a long night, but that was probably partly because she had her son with her.

I just nodded and followed her into her office, where I sat down in the chair opposite her as usual: "Why didn't you go to me or to whom?" This question really seemed to concern my boss. She looked at me waiting, but I thought about how I could explain it in a comprehensible way. Because actually I couldn't understand it myself anymore, my fears were just stupid.

"Fear. Fear of being laughed at, not being taken seriously," unlike what I thought, I could see understanding in their eyes. She seemed to understand my world of thought to such an extent that she could understand that I was afraid.

Claire looked at me forcefully: "No matter what, you're coming to me from now on. If you need free or anything else, say it. I just want to help you, okay?" I nodded, but I didn't really want special treatment. Just forget, that was all I wanted.

"So, we should probably also slowly go to training. We do not want to miss the chance for a miracle. Maybe we could at least go in front of a training session", we both had to laugh a little sadly. It was sad, but hope, as we all know, dies last. She would die as usual this weekend and re-enter the next race. It's always been that way until now, and unfortunately it didn't really seem to get any better.

Claire and I went to the box together, but shortly before that Claire had been intercepted by the Sky reporter. So, I ended up going into the box alone. There was the usual hustle and bustle. If possible, without getting in the way of anyone, I tried to cross the box. Quickly I scurried to the other side of the pit lane and sat down in my usual place. There I was just waiting for the first training to start. Luckily, I didn't have to wait a long time.

In the first training, Nicholas was allowed to climb into a Williams for the first time. He hadn't signed his contract yet, but would do it this weekend. So, this training was more show than anything else. But nothing had been decided for the public yet, although for the connoisseurs it was probably already a clear thing.

As satisfied as team Williams could be, we all went to the lunch break when the first training session was over. Since it was nicely warm, the drivers had decided to eat outside with each other and of course I had gone with them. Between George and Lando I sat at the big table and listened to the conversations of the boys. At that moment, you couldn't imagine them going against each other again in just over an hour. All in all, the atmosphere was very familiar in Formula 1, only with someone had more contact and with the others less.

We were still sitting together and working our way through the current issues of the world. We also made some jokes, so that we were also laughing. Even the Mercedes drivers came to our lap at some point, in the end all the drivers were really together.

I shrugged in horror when two hands were placed on my shoulder from behind: "We're reluctant to disturb your coffee wreath, but the cars are waiting." Claire had put herself behind me and behind her were a few other team bosses. Toto still had his mobile phone in his hand, as he had probably taken a photo of all of us.

I leaned on George, so I could get on the bench to get up. But I had hardly taken two or three steps away from this One I was grabbed by the Briton and thrown over his shoulder.

"Let me down or the Lasagna knocks on again, and I can do without this reunion," unfortunately the younger Williams driver didn't think about letting me down again. Robert stood behind George and could only shake his head at the behavior of me and his teammate. Looking for help, I saw one in the group of drivers who were still there. Nobody really wanted to help me.

Like a sack of potatoes, George carried me to the box of Williams, and one or two times I was really feeling just before the joke. Since I always rock up and down through his steps. With a high red head, George let me down on my armchair at the control monitors. I had to hold on to the driver for a short time because I was a bit dizzy and nasty.

"Never do that again," I looked angry to the Briton. He only looked at me with a broad grin, because he was more than a bit of fun to annoy me.

He then looked at me:"As your watchdog, I couldn't take the risk that you'll hurt yourself while walking." Unfortunately, I couldn't say anything more about that, as George was called to get into his car. So, I could only wait for the second training to start, but this time again with Robert.

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