Chapter 82

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"I'm happy when today is over. That was enough Christmas for a year!" Lando clarified. Just now we were over the Mediterranean, somewhere between Italy and Spain. But I had to agree with my boyfriend, no matter how much I actually liked Christmas, after which we celebrated for the fourth time today, it really lasted until next year.

That was probably the price we had to pay if we wanted to celebrate with all of our parents: "Luckily for us, Christmas is only once a year." Laughing, I looked at my boyfriend, who was sitting diagonally opposite me and had put his legs on the seat next to me. Campari and Soda had made themselves comfortable on the four compartment on the other side. Both were still asleep, as they were probably totally exhausted from the new impressions and places in the last few days. It was just right for us that Campari was also lying quietly in the seats.

"Luckily, I finally have to work out the weight again. If we ate so much more often, Jon would kill me," since Jon was always nice to me, I couldn't imagine it. To me, Jon seemed rather shy and reserved, but his job was to make sure that my friend was fit for driving.

Tired, I leaned my head to my boyfriend: "We should still enjoy the days, after that we will probably not see us so much." The thought of it made me nauseous. I didn't want to be separated from him, not a minute of my life, and yet I would have to. Life was not a dream concert.

"But time will probably pass faster for you than for me, after all, you have university and have to learn," Lando replied as he stroked my head. I couldn't quite believe him because every second without him felt like years. A day without waking up next to him had become unimaginable for me.

Slightly, I turned my head to him: "And you are streaming the hole time, when you are not training or driving, which is probably the better occupation than learning." Lando couldn't resist an embarrassed laugh because he knew it was going to be. After all, he had to provide millions of fans with new material, while I had to pull in the economic cycle and learn all sorts of things about the economy.

"Nevertheless, I will miss you if we no longer wake up next to each other or fall asleep next to each other in the evening. Streaming will hopefully be a bit of a distraction, but nothing can stop me from thinking about you," he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

We had plummeted the morale absolutely with the thoughts of the coming years. Otherwise, Lando would have tried to lift the mood again, but he didn't feel like it either, so we just looked silently out of the plane.

Luckily for us, the flight from Monza to Barcelona didn't take too long, and we quickly found distraction in Javier. Together with Luca, he picked us up at the airport. While mom prepared everything and Matteo probably tried to help her.

"Merry Christmas," Luca greeted us when we were with them, "I hope you are very hungry, because your mother is cooking for an army. Also, things with meat and animal products." Christmas was my mother's exception, where non-vegan products were also allowed on the table, but only because my aunt came with her husband.

Lando smiled broadly at my stepfather: "We are always hungry." My boyfriend could sometimes really be like a combine harvester and devour everything that wasn't on the tree at three if he didn't have to stick to his approach plan.

"Jon will be happy when you start training together again after a new year," my boyfriend's face immediately faded. He really liked to do sports, but he was also happy when he didn't have to spend the whole day doing it, like now.

Together we went to the car, where the division was quickly clear, because Javier wanted Lando next to him: "I think you won't see Lando today, Javier claimed him for himself." I had to laugh at my stepfather across the car, because he was probably right.

Where life leads usTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon