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He then stopped on the outskirts of the city. Before I got off the seatbelt properly, Lando was already on my side and stopped the door. Smiling, I got out of the car, and I immediately put my hand in the Britten's. That slammed the car door I didn't really take. My eyes had clung to Lando and didn't want to leave.

"I hope it's smart enough," he held the door open a little nervously. I didn't have the spit inside. It was really romantic inside. The light was dimmed and candles were burning everywhere on the tables. Rose petals were scattered on the floor and on the tables. I couldn't get out of amazement; everything was just so perfect.

I looked at the racer with emotion: "Even a kebab booth would be good enough with you. Thank you, no one has ever done anything like this." I gave a kiss on his cheek and hugged him briefly. Unfortunately, a waiter came and disturbed us.

Our table was in a quiet corner, so hopefully we would stay undisturbed. I didn't want to grace the front page of the sun tomorrow. Lando and I haven't been together yet. He had told me in the car that he liked me more than just. On the one hand, I would like to call it mine, and on the other hand, it was too fast for me.

Lando sat opposite me and studied the map. I had already given it up, because I didn't understood a word. My English is really good, but it was simply not colloquial language on the map. Lando tried hard to recognize something, but the language was probably a little too high for him.

When he saw my face, he laughed again: "kebab booth would have been easier." Laughing, I nodded to him, I wouldn't give up yet. Lando had really struggled with this restaurant and it would probably be expensive.

"Have you been here many times?" I wanted to know after a short silence. So I immediately regretted this question. I didn't want to hear how many women he had on the same date as us. The performance alone made me feel sick.

But the Briton shook his head: "Have asked George and Alex and a few other drivers. If George squeezes you out tomorrow, you'll be warned here." Slightly laughing, I looked over at Lando, who seemed nervous. He was probably afraid of my reaction, anyway.

"Then I tell him that we were just arguing and would never change a word again," Lando also had to grin a little. I tried to imagine how George would react, but I didn't know him enough.

When the waiter came over, I let Lando order, the young man's eyes were enough for me. The Briton was also struck by it, which is why he more than liked to order, so that I didn't have to pay attention to the waiter. While Lando complained briefly when we were two again, I tried to forget the situation. I knew I wasn't ugly, but it was too much for me to look like that.

"Why did you decide to be so romantic, what if I just want friendship?" I wanted to see the Englishman laugh again. I did it because he was smiling at me. He stretched out his hands to mine. I liked him and put mine in his.

Even more broadly grinning, he looked at me: "A bird chirped beautifully. Even if you had begged me for this meal, that I forgive you our farewell. No woman can stand romance again, at least Victoria has assured me." It had been clear that she was the bird.

Since our food was already coming, we had to loosen our hands, which Lando was reluctant to let. I only did it because I was starving. I was sure the Englishman had no idea what he had ordered. Luckily, it was meat with fries and vegetables. Drinking we had both taken water, even though Lando thought I could have had wine. Drinking alone was only half as cool, so I let it be. A break would probably please my liver as well.

"You had no idea what you had ordered, admit it. It's just pure luck," the Briton raised his hands with a laugh and confessed. We both came from very rich families, but we couldn't cope in the world of money. I liked it when things were kept simple that I had probably assumed from my adoptive parents.

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