Chapter 95

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The following week was the purest horror for me, because I didn't feel like anything that drove Mirella to despair: "Up with your ass, we have to go to university! Or do you want to let your team down like Claire?" Yes, she knew. Just as I had been on it since my return on Sunday evening, I could not hide it from her.

"I'm coming soon," listlessly, I beat back my duvet. Since Claire had told me about the successful conversation on Monday, I had no desire at all. In addition, there was the guy who followed me day and night. So why should I still get out of my bed. But Mirella was not wrong, I had to go to university for the team and give my best.

Dressed unvarnished in jeans and sweaters, I left my room. Outside, Campari was already happily on the road, running after his own cock, while Mirella had given him breakfast: "Thank you."

She confuses me: "After all, the fact that you take care of him is my dog and not yours."

"I'm your best friend. Of course, I take care of him if you don't feel good, that's what I'm here for," she replied. She put the water bowl on the floor and I leaned against the door frame.

Campari immediately ran to his breakfast, and he told us: "How I would like to trade with Campari. His worries are eating, sleeping and having to go to the toilet. He is not expected to be perfect."

"I thought it had gotten better since Lando came into your life. Your parents also love you when you make mistakes," Mirella tried to take my pressure off me. That's how it had always been, without them I would probably have been broken a long time ago by the pressure from outside and inside.

After a coffee we went out to the car, as we both had no desire for public transport: "Do you go shopping on the way home? After all, you're out earlier." I just nodded because I also knew that Mirella not only had longer lectures, but also no money. Her waiter job was more than underpaid and in the winter she could hardly work an hour because there was too little going on.

"Do you know that your mood is really exhausting? Just when you look at you, your own mood sinks into the minus range," she told me.

I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window: "Then don't look at me, you should look at the road before, with your driving style you kill us and someone else." Maybe that was a bit too harsh, but it was also my honest opinion about her driving style. Of course, I was grateful that she took me with her, but every ride from her was also a risk of dying.

"Then Mommy begs for a driver if I'm not good enough. Just because you're in a bad mood because of Claire, you can't be stupid to others. So come down from your high horse, princess," she zigzagged at me. She parked a bit fast and it happens what should have happened a long time ago. With a shot she drove into the street lamp that stood in front of the parking lot.

I hadn't expected the aproptem stop because I had looked out of my window, so my head was thrown forward and back.

"Shit!" escaped Mirella.

I rubbed my neck while my best friend had already gotten out: "You can say that out loud." When the first pain had subsided after a few seconds, I had also got out to look at the damage.

"You can buy a new car, at least you are no longer in the probationary period with the driver's license since last week. So only 300 Fr", I tried to think positively for both of us.

Mirella, on the other hand, did not seem to think of poitivity: Laura? Shut up!" Defensively, I raised my hands, as I really didn't want to upset them. But it was probably more than too late for that, at least my bad mood was gone, because Claire and Williams were just forgotten.

The lantern was a good bit inside in the hood, which is why only the towing service and the police would love it. Whereby the lamp had not really gotten anything, at least as far as you could judge it because of the car.

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