Chapter 67

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Lando and I tried to say goodbye for about 10 minutes, but neither of us wanted to let go of the other. We will be separated for less than a week, but it felt like an eternity. I was also afraid of what would come after I had taken the exam. Fear them not to stand and also fear of what happened to Lando and me when I insisted.

"Write to me when you've landed and even after the exam. No matter what I love you, never forget that," I pressed myself more firmly against Lando. With him I felt safe, I would have liked to have come with him. But it would have been a distraction and I had to learn to be alone, even if I didn't like it. Until now, I had always been able to hold on to someone, so it was time to come to terms with it on my own.

Slowly I broke away from my friend: "I should get started slowly, otherwise my pilot will get impatient. As soon as I land, I call you, promised. Nothing happens to me, in the future we will often be separated, we should get used to it better. Farewells will be the order of the day, even if we do not want to." So we surrendered to our fate and everyone got on their plane.

Since I had in my mother's private jet, I was alone, except for the two pilots and a stewardess. It had pros and cons to flying so alone, for example, no one bothered with my loud music, but I also had no one i could talk to. So it was a long 11 hours flight, because I drove away with a movie and sleep. Shortly I had also looked again at the teaching aids, which I could almost memorize.

Just before I turned around because I was so bored, we finally landed in Zurich. I couldn't get my suitcase fast enough and leave the airport. Since Mirella was in university and everyone else was at work, I had to dodge the good old train. Maybe I should still do my driving licence, just the train and the bus did it.

Mum would have a heart attack if she saw this. For her, public transport was a place of crime, she would never let me get on a bus. So I did it when she couldn't see it. I made her believe that I always had a driver on hand. Although I preferred to travel independently by train, which was probably due to my desire for freedom.

The good in Switzerland itches no one, as one was known. Undisturbed, I could just sit on the bus and train without anyone recognizing me. Relaxed I could enjoy the last hour of my trip to my adoptive parents, with them I would spend the week to the exams. For my studies I will get an apartment in Zurich, so that I did not have long distances. I was also able to afford it thanks to my parents and my job at Williams.

Even though I was officially still living with my adoptive parents, it didn't feel like I was coming home. My two-week holiday had been almost half a year old and yet everything still seemed to be the same. But the familiar feeling didn't stop there.

I used to just go into the house, directly into my room, but now I hesitated. It felt wrong to just go into the house, so I rang out how it was going to happen. Astonished, Adriana opened the door to me and looked at me as if I was a ghost, knowing that I was coming today.

Immediately she began to grin broadly and pressed me firmly: "Since when are you ringing? I thought Juan had ordered something again, lately I see the postman more often than him. But come in, just put the suitcase in the laundry room, I'll wash it to you. If you're hungry, I can make you paella warm."

I was really hungry, so thankfully I accepted the offer with the food. As I put my suitcase in the laundry room as ordered, I heard Adriana pull out the dishes and put pans on the stove.

It was after 3pm and if I was right, the McLaren machine would land in London at around 2pm. Before my adoptive mother seized me, I wrote to my friend that I was with my adoptive parents and that I still had all the limbs on my body. Since I didn't get a direct answer and only a hook could be seen, I assumed that Lando still had his phone on flight mode.

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