Chapter 18

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I breathed deeply into my lungs; the cold air almost burned. But it was supposed to encourage me, so that I finally ventured into the building, but this courage did not come. As stupid as I was, I lit a cigarette, because it looked less stupid if you wanted to smoke outside. Only stupid if you are then surprised from behind.

"Hey, didn't you know you were smoking?" I hastily dropped the cigarette and stood on it. Caught and a little embarrassed, I looked at the driver in front of me. Smoking in stressful situations was a stupid habit of mine that I'm not proud of. It was all the more unpleasant to me that George had caught me with it.

Nervously, I looked at the brown-haired man: "If I'm nervous or just uneasy, I smoke one from time to time. Please don't tell anyone if my parents know, then I can go shoveling my grave."

"Why should I, you're probably pointing out what you're doing. Smoking is unhealthy, I don't have to tell you," I nodded ashamedly. Everyone who smokes knows how harmful this is. But it was stupid habits to change such was not easy.

Since it was freezing outside, we went inside the building: "Welcome to our factory." I looked around in amazement. From the inside, the building was even bigger than that I had thought from the outside. Everything was glassy and looked very sterile, which intimidated me a bit. I didn't want to get dirty or even broken, I didn't even dare to breathe anymore. My mouth was open, and I turned in circles once.

"As I see it, you like it with us. George you are waiting in the simulator, and we both explore the most important places», Claire had come down a flight of stairs. Waiting, she looked at the Briton, who said goodbye to me.

Without waiting long, Claire walked off through a long walk. With a card she locked a door, behind it is briefly got a little louder. With the team leader, I was probably in something like a laboratory. At least we have been working diligently on new products here. Claire introduced me to some men who greeted me nicely, I couldn't remember their names yet.

Since we didn't want to stop the men longer than necessary, we left the lab and went back to the lobby. From there you came to the cafeteria and canteen on the other side. Unfortunately, there was no time for a break, so we climbed the stairs on the glassy plates. Since the rooms on the first floor were very high, the first floor was really high. I tried not to look down, but I couldn't quite leave it.

A shower went down my back, but I tried not to let myself be distracted and follow my boss. At the very end of the aisle, she stopped and then showed me her office on one side and mine on the other. A sign with Miss Russo Lopez hung on the door, I was amazed. I was just as overwhelmed by my office and it had real flooring. I wasn't made of glass, for which I was grateful.

Claire had come to the office behind me and closed the door. So the tour was probably already over. As professional as I can be, I took the plans out of my pocket and put them on the desk in front of me.

My mother had written to me this morning not to forget the plans. Annoyed, I had sent her only a photo of these things in my pocket. Of course, these things were important for collaboration, but Mum always exaggerates it. She could at least have wished me good luck. Instead, I had only received the memory of these rolls of paper.

"So, you've got her with you," muttered Williams' team leader. Concentrated, she modeled the plans and I did too. I couldn't see much. I just knew it would be parts for the engine of the next race car. But I didn't want to let my ignorance be noticed.

Claire seemed to be thrilled with the plans: "I'm going to take them to our chief engineer right away. You can set up your workplace as long as you have. If it takes longer, you could start answering with mails. Up to equal."

I exhaled loudly when I was alone in the room. Once I turned around so that I could once again show myself how cool it was here. I quickly caught myself and started the computer. From my pocket I took photos of my family and friends. I couldn't stop taking a quick look at my phone.

"Hope you have a nice first day. Report if something is,"Lando had written to me a few minutes ago. I quickly wrote him a thank-you. Under his chat was an unknown number, it was George's number as it turned out. He had received my number from no one other than Lando and wanted to arrange lunch. Since I didn't know when lunch was, I didn't write back.

After I shocked Mirella with a thumbs up and a photo of my office, I set to work. The mailbox was overflowing with messages, the first thing I filtered out was the ads. Unlike my private email addresses, this was only a tiny fraction.

Mail for Mail I worked my way through and moved it to the appropriate folders. It took an eternity, but in the end all were neatly marked and ordered by department and importance. It would have been much faster and easier if I could have operated the mouse with the right. If I was lucky, it would disappear on Friday in a week. To be honest, I couldn't wait.

Frightened, I shrugged as the door was more or less opened: "You have a fancy office." Without waiting for an answer, George sat on a chair on the other side of my desk.

"Don't get me wrong, but what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in a simulator?" my left eyebrow raised. The Briton sat casually opposite me and seemed to be watching me.

Shaking his head, he replied: "Only again after the meal. Since I promised Lando that I would keep an eye on you, I thought a visit wouldn't hurt. It's also lunchtime and I don't want to eat alone. Precisely because I still have questions about yesterday, Lando didn't want to get out with the language, so it's your turn now."

Shaking my head, I turned back to the screen of my computer. Contrary to what was thought, the racer did not move. He remained silent in his chair and looked at me carefully. Which was a little too creepy for me in the long run. That's why I looked slightly annoyed with the Briton who grinned at me.

"Did you kiss? You've got that, you can almost smell it," he leaned forward with a laugh. Now I also had to smile, the boy maybe had nerves. A detective would he never become, but I wanted to have some fun with the whole thing, so I played something with me.

Played, I sighed and bowed me a little: "If you want to know, we had hot sex in the shower. Running almost hurts, so well he worried me." Chalk bleach had become the face of my counterpart, which just looked awesome. I quickly took a photo. You never know when you could need such things. I also wanted to send it to Lando, it was just too funny.

"That was a sham, wasn't it?" he looked at me, slightly unsettled. To redeem him, I nodded to him, which really made him easier. You might think he's a little boy who's never had sex. I am sure that he also had sexual intercourse with his girlfriend, because he was normal in a relationship. Well, I wouldn't like to hear from Mirella how and where she did it. I didn't like the performance alone, because I saw her boyfriend again and again and wanted to look him in the eye.

Of course, I was talking about it with my girlfriend, but I really didn't want to know how they and Manuel did it. Even if they ever did it in my bed, I wouldn't want to know.

Relaxed, I leaned back in my office chair: "Let this be a lesson, you don't put your nose in other things, you are a hobby detective." I tried to stay serious, but the photo on my phone didn't allow it. George looked almost as white as the wall behind him and his face as if I had told him about his grandparents' sex.

"So, you didn't kiss?" he really couldn't let it be. Because I really wanted to do things differently, I nodded to him. George muttered something, I didn't pay attention to him, because a new mail had just come in.

Surprised, I realized that she was from my mother. Curiously, I opened them and began to read them through. Apparently there were small mistakes on the plans I had with me. This probably explained why Claire was gone for so long.

I quickly printed out the mail: "Where is the office of the chief engineer, there are changes that should come to him." Immediately I went to my office door and opened it. I looked at George, who finally came. He walked upstairs, down the aisles. He, too, held a card at the door of the laboratory or what one would call it. This time, however, we walked through the room once, then there was a door in front of which George stopped.

I thanked him and knocked on the door, after I had permission, I stepped in. A middle-aged man, two slightly younger men, and Claire sat at a table and studied the plans. They looked a little desperate, which was probably due to the mistake.

"Sorry it takes so long, you can do lunch otherwise," Claire seemed to be at the end with her nerves. She hadn't even looked at me properly, because she was so fixated on the plans.

I smiled slightly at the men and Claire: "Maybe I have the solution to your problems. There just came an email that contains corrections." So, I put the printed sheets on the table with the plans and went back to the door.

"Stay, I don't think it hurts if you're there," the eldest of the men looked at me. I briefly looked at George, who seemed a little disappointed, but then left. I quickly closed the door before sitting down at the table.

The man kindly introduced himself: "I am Micheal Anderson, I am the deputy chief engineer. Next to you are Dennis, he is too constant for the motor skills and Stefan he is too permanent for design." I also introduced myself decently quickly before I remained quietly seated in my chair.

First Claire and Michael get the mail, then the other two. Immediately they had taken a red pen and started drawing the changes. In doing so, they discussed possible optimizations and adjustments that had to be made in general.

I was really trying to come along, but it wasn't that easy. Now and then I asked questions, which were answered immediately. I ignored my growling stomach, as it wasn't time to eat.

A knock ripped us all out of the conversations and thoughts. Two employees came in with sandwiches, drinks and salads. Surprised Claire looked at her phone, which I then liken to her. In addition to the new message from Lando, I also saw one of Mirella, but I ignored it now. I briefly looked at the clock and was surprised when I realized that it was already after two in the afternoon. Those who thought we were going to take a break were mistaken.

With the salad in front of me, I looked at the plans and tried to make a rhyme with what I knew. It struck me that it was drawn in the wrong way. I wasn't sure if it was just the one that was drawn, or if it was general. Maybe I was wrong, but my spatial imagination was very strong.

"What is?" Michael wanted to know about me. He had probably seen my hard-working gaze, first I wanted to wave off, but he did not give in. That's why I said my thoughts.

Surprised, they looked at the little part again: "You're right. You should report this to the manufacturer quickly, not that they are already making it wrong." Without hesitation, I took out my phone and took a photo, which I immediately sent to Mum and Luca, explaining to them that it was wrong. From Luca immediately a thumbs up came back, so I put my phone away again.

"They're going to change it right away," the men looked at me in disbelief. Claire then quickly explained to them that the company belonged to my mom. Actually, I didn't want to say that because I wanted to give myself the respect. Acknowledging, the two nodded only briefly, but said nothing more.

With my salad and sandwich, I made myself comfortable and just listened until it had already darkened outside. Surprised, I looked at my phone and realized that it was probably already after seven. As Claire noticed this too, she decided to stop today.

I quickly went up and took my bag and turned off the computer. Afterwards I left the factory in the direction of the station.

Hopefully I have now the mess under controll, I'm really sorry for that. I swear it will not happen again. 

Xoxo Fabi

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