Chapter 5

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With Maria, I waited in the lobby for Dad, who wanted to get things done quickly. That quickly went on for ten minutes, which was a little too much for me. First, he forces me to get up so early, and then he makes me wait. I hated it when I had to wait for someone. Unfortunately, it happened too often with my father, because something was still more important than me. But Maria seemed to be slowly annoying, with it more visible on her tiger than on her face. You couldn't see anything in her face.

After five minutes on the sofa, I had made myself comfortable and trembled nervously with my legs. I had my phone in my left hand and scrolled through Instagram, finding Lando and the other three drivers and following them immediately. Actually, only Lando interested me, but it would have been a bit too conspicuous if I had only followed him. I had agreed with the other three at the dinner to follow them, so it was more than just legitimate. So, I thought at least, finally I followed people I didn't know at all, why not F1 drivers with whom I had taken two meals.

"Princess, come on," I looked up from my phone in horror. I had been so busy stalking Lando that I didn't know Dad had come. I put my phone in my pocket and followed my father and stepmother. They were already standing at the door and just waiting for me. I opened up to them and wobbled after them. I let my gaze glide over everything, but not to the hand-holding adults in front of me. Disgusting, at least after this morning. Seeing my dad happy was of course nice. But I still had the groans and the pictures of Maria in my head. When I remembered it, my breakfast knocked on again?

Not exactly motivated I got out of the car when we arrived at the site. Maria had already gone to The Driver's Side to Dad and had taken his hand again. When Dad was sure I was out of the car, he finished it with the remote control. Like a chick, I waded behind them and stared at my phone again. As good as I was with multitasking, I hadn't noticed that Maria and Dad had stopped. Nicely in the middle of the two of them I had run, where they had hooked their hands. Dad quickly grabbed my hand with the other hand and put it in his front pockets.

"Mobile free zone. Don't think I haven't forgotten that last night," I sighed. Before we went through such ski lift control sins gave me a part to hang around, so that one knew that we were going through. My father went first, followed by Maria and me. On the other hand, there was already a lot going on. That's why I ran a little closer behind Dad and his girlfriend. As if he knew what, he pulled Maria with him purposefully. He kept looking behind him, so he knew I was still there.

To get to the Red Bull box, you had to pass numerous others. My eyes are always on the signs with names. As Williams looked over a booth, my gaze still wandered into the box. I stopped petrified in horror. My mum and Luca, my mother's husband, were standing there.

I wanted to move on before Mum or Luca discovered us. Luckily, my dad wasn't interested in the boxes from any other team than Red Bull. For this I thanked the Lord in heaven. I just hoped he would continue to help me. But that would have been a little too much.

"Laura!" I would have recognized Mum's voice everywhere. Could it ran down my back because she had seen me and so also Dad. He had stopped with Maria. Three of us looked to the box of the Formula 1 team where my mum was just still. Luca had stopped, he would probably observe the situation at a safe distance, which I would have liked to have done.

Since Mum had noticed Dad, I was already air for the two of them. The two looked each other in the eye and the first words flew. I had briefly considered intervening, but I would rather save myself, because it would bring nothing. So, I just stood next to Maria and just looked stupid out of the laundry. As my parents grew louder and drew attention, I began to make myself small.

Mum must have said something against Maria, because she was also interfering. So, Luca couldn't keep herself out, which is why the couple were screaming at each other loudly. Like a little kid, I tried to hold my ears because it was really loud between the four. Slowly I stumbled backwards until two hands lay on my hips. Frightened, I turned and looked into Lando's worried face. He pulled me into his arms when he saw tears in my eyes.

Calming, the McLaren driver drove over my back and tried to calm me down. What he succeeded in, therefore, I carefully detached myself from his chest. I turned my eyes to my arguing parents, who are now being dragged apart by team members from different teams. At last, the cocks let go of each other.

"Laura come", all four had called at the same time. Overwhelmed, I looked back and forth between the four. Impatiently, Dad looked at me, but Mum did the same. All eyes were on me, even the one from Lando behind me I could feel. I was so uncomfortable, I leaned on Lando so Dad couldn't see it. I didn't want to hurt either, but I couldn't be at the same time. Even Maria and Luca looked at me in a prompt way, where the two otherwise always remained neutral. The argument must have been a little more violent.

Careful not to catch my attention, the Briton stroked my arm. So, I tried to be so courageous, help didn't really help. His touch distracted me rather, so I struggled to concentrate on the situation in front of me. Even if my body didn't want it, I took two or three steps away from Lando. So that he could not touch me any further and thus distract me. He had probably misunderstood it, because he looked at me slightly offended and disappointed. But that's how I could make the best decision, even if I had to hit someone against the head.

"Sorry mom, but it's still Dad's week," which is why I broke up with Dad. He quickly answers an arm around my shoulder and briefly pulled me over before he broke away from me. I had my eyes on my mother, who had looked at me stunned. But she would get back in, I was sure.

I followed Dad after, through the crowd. They had all seen my parents arguing and just waited for my decision. With my head lowered, I didn't try to look anyone in the face. Failed, however, when Carlos put a hand on my shoulder as I walked by. He had looked at me pityingly, fortunately said nothing. It was embarrassing enough for me.

Even with the Red Bull team you had probably already gotten wind of it, but nobody said anything. If I'm looking, I'm already looking. As small as possible, I made myself behind my father and Maria, as if they couldn't see me again. According to the motto: I don't see you, so you don't see me. I knew it was nonsense. But it helped me to feel a little more comfortable. Maria, on the other hand, enjoyed the attention and Dad ignored the eyes that rested on us.

"I'm Victoria, Max's sister and you have to be Laura," imagined a blonde about my age. She had stepped from behind me, so I didn't notice her at first. Friendly, I gave her a hand and introduced myself to me again, even though she apparently already knew who I was. She seemed to be very nice, because she was just smiling at me.

Laughing, she looked at me: "I can lead you around the grounds. Then you don't have to listen to Christian's boring descriptions." The team leader was so busy explaining everything to Dad that he hadn't heard Victoria's comment. I nodded gratefully, because female company at my age was good for me. I hadn't seen or spoken to my girlfriends for more than a week.

Shortly I said I was going to be with Victoria before we left for two. The first way led to a box. Max's sister explained to me that the boys could retreat there, after the rides or before. Since I wasn't really interested in the circus, I only listened halfway. What the blonde didn't escape.

"Formula 1 is probably not yours," she laughed at me. I nodded ashamedly, because it was probably too obvious. I didn't want to be rude because she had taken time out for a tour. The only thing I was interested in was the food stalls. What the Dutchwoman had also noticed, as she had followed my gaze.

Since it was already after 12 o'clock, my stomach growled. What was no longer audible due to the surrounding noise, to my good fortune. Without asking me, the blonde pulled me to a booth and just said that you would get the world's best burger there. We enthusiastically lined up and ordered a burger with fries. Once you should also be allowed such food or as with me every day. I was slim but had something curves that I kept in shape through training.

A little away from the hustle and bustle we had sat down under a tree and ate our food. We talked superficially. Neither of us wanted to go too far. So, we only talked about stars and their lives. I must have looked weird while eating a burger. Because I couldn't hold it with both hands. It was hard not to sour. Luckily, we had taken enough napkins, because I could use them well.

Carefully, I wanted to get into a conversation a little deeper: "You often accompany Max to his races?" The blonde just stuffed the last piece of her burger into her mouth and shook her head slightly.

"Most of the time, I don't think I'd have urgent appointments. But otherwise I'm always there, I wouldn't stand it at home," she explained. Understandably, one of my brothers would want to drive later, I wouldn't be able to sit quietly at home. Even though Formula One had become safer, something could still happen, and anyone could always hit it. One more reason not to let Lando get too close to me, even if my heart would like it. I didn't know the boy for 24 hours, but my thoughts turned around him. Its proximity felt good, too good for my taste. My heart liked this closeness, my mind thought it was a bad thing. The fear of being hurt was firmly entrenched, as I have been too many times.

"Your father owns the Russo hotel chain. Was certainly cool as a child, since you have traveled a lot since», the Dutchwoman carefully to learn a little more about me. I didn't like talking about my childhood or family, not with almost even strangers. But Victoria seemed trustworthy and had been open to me. She had told me a lot about her inner life in a race, how it felt. So, it would be nothing but fair to answer that question.

With my eyes, I stared a hole in the air in front of me: "Well, that's how it goes. I didn't grow up with my father, not even my mother. During the holidays I visited my dad half the time and the other half mum. Dad was mostly in Monza and rarely did we fly to another hotel." I was apologetically Victoria of Victoria, who realized I didn't like the subject. In order not to step into fat cups, we left the conversations with the superficial.

After the meal we returned to the box, where only Dad stood with Christian. Victoria had said goodbye to me because she wanted to go to her brother before the second training session of today started. Because I didn't want to disturb, I joined my father.

"Where is Maria," I wanted to know. But I didn't get an answer because the men were too busy talking. So, I decided to see if Mum was still there. After all, she wanted to know what she was doing here in Monza. Mum basically avoided this place because it was Dad's place of residence. It had to be something very important for her to come here. The conversation on the phone made more sense than I knew she was here in the F1 race.

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