Chapter 1

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Carefully I stretched my head through the door and looked once to the left and once to the right. Since no one was in the hallway, I dared to get out of my room. I had planned to get the F1 guy out of the way, at least those in orange/blue shirts. I thought about my appearance at Red Bull, and I was sure I should get out of the way of both teams.

Through a short sound, my phone made me realize that I had a new message. Without thinking about it, I opened it and at the same time continued through the hallway in the direction of the elevator. Before I could even read the news from my mother, I had run against something hard.

The really contagious laughter from the boy sounded behind me and made me shoot the red in the face. I had actually run into the damn wall because I hadn't noticed that I had already been to the elevators. I would have preferred to have hidden myself in this wall now because of my own stupidity.

"Are you okay?" the boy behind me squeezed out between his laughter. As I was unresponsive and continued to stare at the wall, he put a hand on my shoulder. That's why I drove around in horror. But he had been closer to me than I thought. Just like that, the boy was able to hold me so that I wouldn't get on the floor. It really couldn't get any more embarrassing.

I straightened up so that he could let me go. What he does nicer wisely even then. He still had a big grin on his face and had to pull himself together so as not to laugh. I, on the other hand, think about jumping out of the window for a moment. It was just so embarrassing to me.

When the boy had caught himself, he stretched out his hand to me: "Hey I am Lando. Sorry I laughed. But it really looked like a shooting." Half-heartedly, I took his hand and shook it. He could have saved the last part; without his comment it had been embarrassing enough.

"Thank you too," I returned slightly pissed off. I got my hand off his and wanted to get out of the dust. It's just stupid that the elevator had something against a dramatic departure from me. Because of course he was just downstairs in the lobby and took half an eternity to get back upstairs. So, I was standing in front of the elevator like the biggest Fool.

Lando stood next to me: "It shouldn't be hurtful, I'm sorry. How about forgetting everything and getting to know us again?» All I could do about his proposal was shaking my head. This was only done in kitschy love movies, when the two loved each other forever in the end. But I didn't believe in that forever. My parents were the best proof, even with my adoptive parents it had been in crisis for a while.

"I think someone has seen too many films," I commented on his suggestion. Which only made him grin even more, I acknowledged this with a twisting eye. This boy could probably only grin all the time. Which on the one hand looked sweet and on the other hand cost me a lot of nerves.

He looked at me with a scorn-busting grin: "I thought her girl is standing on such kitsch." Now I had to grin a little, because this counter had not been bad. Unfortunately, I had to admit this. But I wouldn't let him win yet.

"But I'm not like everyone," the sound from the elevator rang out. Without paying attention to him, I went in and pressed the button where EG stood. Lando, of course, had followed me and leaned against the wall next to me. I felt his gaze from the side. Which led me to look at him.

The grin had given way to a thoughtful expression on your face: "So you don't like kitsch. Then I can tell the others about your misfortune." He clearly wanted to challenge me and would still make it. Waiting, the brown-haired man looked at me, but I didn't give him the triumvirate. If he told everyone, I had already embarrassed myself before everyone. Worse than before, they couldn't think about me anymore and if I couldn't care.

"Do it, I'm not going to stop you," as if I had timed it, the elevator door opened. With my head raised, I walked out of the tin thing out to the left to the dining room. My high heels felt the passageway with a loud noise. As a child, I loved this hall for its acoustics. Now It was almost embarrassing to me that you could hear my steps so well. The old building style of the hotel had something magical about it, which I had noticed as a child. At that time I had imagined that this was my castle and that I would be a princess. Unfortunately, Dad destroys this dream in less than a second. He told me directly at the time that I would never be a princess. For there would be no princes of my age and even if he did, he would not let them near me.

Lando casually jogged past me and held the door open for me, which was a nice gesture. Since I was well-educated, I thanked me. He acknowledged what he acknowledged only with a smile, but he said nothing more. That's why I let my gaze wander through the room in search of my father. Just as I was about to go to his table, a voice in my ear kept me away.

"You can sit down with me and the other driver, otherwise you want to have boring conversations. The team bosses are sitting next to your father," I briefly thought about what to do. But then I'd rather be on Lando than to have a forced conversation with the adults.

Behind Lando, I stopped at a table, where the brown-haired man clapped off with the other three. Now I regretted my decision, because I felt out of place. Just as I was about to return, Lando put a hand on my shoulder, drawing attention to me.

"If it's okay for you, Laura would love to eat with us," everyone immediately agreed. Carefully I settled down next to the brown-haired man on a chair. In doing so, I paid particular attention to not doing anything again, which fortunately I also succeeded in doing. Even though we were sitting at the table, I was still uncomfortable, because I only knew Lando's name. Opposite me sat a boy in Lando's old age, who was clearly of Asian origin. Next to him probably sat his teammate what I made up on the same shirts. Lando's teammate sat on my left. He was the southerner who had whispered a little too much to Lando in the lobby. He was also certainly the oldest of the troupe, so he at least looked.

"So, your father owns the hotel chain? Impressive," the Asian-looking boy tried to build a conversation. Why I let my gaze wander to him. His teammate also looked at his colleague and then at me. I was a little uncomfortable to have the eyes of all the drivers on me. That's why I started playing nervously under the table with my fingers.

I briefly looked at my hands before i looked the Asian in the face again: "It's only half as great as it sounds. The only good thing is the free holidays." Nervously, I smiled at the boy for a moment before looking back at my hands. The issue of family and the future was tricky for me at the moment. Everyone expected me to master my studies with flying colors and that I would at least take over my father's company.

It was the southerner who now spoke: "I am Carlos, the boy opposite you is Alexander, and next to him is Max." Alexander had probably only now noticed that he had not yet imagined himself. Slightly embarrassed, he raised his hand, Max just nodded to me and immediately turned back to his mobile phone.

"Your father said you're studying economics, it's not boring," Alexander tried not to let the conversation end. But now my pulse went up. Studying was not a good subject, especially when my father was in the same room. Panicked, I saw my father's ink, where he talked to the team leaders. They were out of our ear, but I didn't feel safe.

Lando had probably noticed that I was uncomfortable with the subject: "What are you going to do after the meal?" It was perhaps the worst theme change of the millennium, but it had worked. Alexander had actually forgotten his question and I could breathe a little. Slowly my pulse had dropped back to normal and I let myself fall back into my chair. When the appetizer was already served, a delicious salad.

Just as I had put a fork fully in my mouth, Lando looked at me: "What about you? What else do you do afterwards and please don't let me down." I don't care that we didn't really know each other. Desperate and pleading to the same, he looked at me, as all the other three were already having something in front of me. I chewed the salad in my mouth and swallowed it down.

"I actually had a lap to go swimming," I couldn't get any further. Lando clapped his hands and announced that he would come along. Shrugging my shoulders, I only took note of it, because this boy would probably come one way or the other. Carlos confirmed me and offered me his condolences for having fun, that I now had Lando on my cheek. Because of me, the brown-haired man could come along quietly, but as far as my father was concerned, I didn't really know.

The sound from a vibrating mobile phone sounded next to me and made me shrug. But I wasn't the only one this time, no one expected it. How could we have been, it wasn't that you could guess calls. Somewhat embarrassed I noticed that it was my phone.

In bold letters, Mum stood on my touchscreen. It occurred to me that I hadn't read her message yet. Apologetically, I looked into the round for a moment and then got up. I left the dining room in a hurry to be able to make a quiet phone call. In addition, Dad shouldn't notice that I was on the phone with Mum, that would only lead to arguing.

"What's there?" I wanted to know from my mother. I dropped on the upholstery group in the hall. I looked at the door to the dining room so that if my father came, I would see in early enough. But he probably didn't even realize I wasn't in the room anymore. If he had ever noticed that I had been there.

A laugh rang out on the other side of the line: "You also have a nice evening and I also missed you my princess." How I hated it when they or someone else called me a princess. As a four-year-old it might have been quite nice, but at 20 I found it a bit inappropriate. Unfortunately, my parents don't want to see this, so I only briefly moved my face.

"Yes, and what is there now?" I wanted to speed up the conversation a little. My mother never called to just know how I was doing. Inside, I was already prepared for all sorts of things, including that my visit to her could fall into the water. I was supposed to fly to Barcelona on Monday evening to spend another week with her. But there was a little too much said with her, it probably hit her more.

Sighing followed on the other line: "So many does my own daughter think of me that there must always be something to call her. But since you are already wondering, I just wanted to tell you that I am in Monza. Since we were already flying home on the Sunday after the race, we thought we could take you with us." Did I know she wanted something from me? But now it was the sigh, as I was standing between my parents again. My father wouldn't let me go to my mother a day early, and my mom wouldn't just give in.

As if I had a headache, I rubbed my temples: "I talk to Dad, but we both know the answer." Thankfully, my mother just hung up. Exhausted, I let myself fall into the couch and groaned once before I got up again. Before talking to Dad, I was already horrified. But there was no way around it, because no matter what I would do, both sides would not want to give in. I was able to make up my plan to go swimming with it.

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