Chapter 48

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The farewell to Lando this time was a little more extensive than usual. George and Carlos had to separate us because we wanted to taste until the last second. For once, I didn't get a stupid comment from George, he knew how bad it was to be separated from his loved one.

When we arrived in Austin, we had already gone to the hotel. George and Robert used the time until dinner with a phone call home. Since I rarely phoned, I hadn't contacted my adoptive parents and dad for some time. Just stupid that I hadn't calculated the time shift. Since I hadn't announced to call her before, everyone was naturally asleep.

I had taken my books down and lay down in a bikini by the pool. For a long time, I had not been alone, besides Williams, Haas and Alfa Romeo had also stayed in the hotel. With Günther next to me, I could forget about learning, but I had a fun conversation.

Later came the other team principals and the drivers. So, I was able to continue to learn, I had at least thought that. Because George probably had enough of the water volleyball with the other drivers. Instead, he desperately wanted to annoy me, so he had risen from the water.

Frightened, I cried out as the cold drops of water touched me. Even before I understood what was about to happen, George had already lifted me on his shoulders. Since everything went so fast, I couldn't say anything, there was already water all around me. My body became cramped and I couldn't move. I pinched my eyes tightly, again seeing the pictures of Monza in front of my eye. But I couldn't do anything, no muscle wanted to move.

George, who had jumped into the water next to me, fortunately reacted quickly and pulled me up. But the air I was able to breathe in didn't solve the rigidity. Pretty much everyone had noticed that I wasn't responsive. I could only hear the surrounding voices through cotton wool, too tightly held me in the memory.

Our team doctor took me George off and pulled me out of the pool. I was shaking in the arms of the doctor, who immediately began to examine me. Claire also brought him my towel, which I was now wrapped in. The warmth of the cloth seemed to help, because slowly the pictures disappeared, and I could hear the voices better. Also, my muscles started to relax.

"How long was she in the sun?" the doctor asked. Since Günther was the first to come to me, he answered the question as best he could. He didn't know exactly, but he himself was already in the sun for an hour, as if I had to have been there for even longer.

Nodding, the doctor took note of this, so the case was clear to him: "She probably suffered a cold shock when she came into contact with the cold water. She was probably lucky; this can be ending different. But her muscles are already relaxing, she will probably come back to herself right away." Carefully I was placed on my couch, where I could finally open my eyes again.

I would rather not say that it was not the cold, but a trauma. The cold was, of course, the perfect excuse for me, so no one asked any further questions about it. Only George could no longer save himself from feelings of guilt. The rest of the evening he ran after me like a watchdog and apologized all the time. I had long forgiven him.

"I'm so sorry, I'll never throw you in the water again," even Kimi and Kevin were slowly annoyed. We all sat together at the table and were actually eating, but the Briton just couldn't stop apologizing. I had already given up on dissuading him and just ignored him.

Asked, I looked at Antonio sitting between Robert and Kimi: "Can we please change places, I can't hear the excuses anymore." Luckily it wasn't necessary anymore, because my watchdog turned to his food and I could enjoy mine in peace.

"What are you doing tomorrow? Someone want come with  me exploring the area when we already have free time," I looked at Robert sad. Because unlike the drivers, I didn't have free. Like many others tomorrow, I would have to go to the track for the first time and work there. For this I would have a long weekend from Thursday to Sunday. At first, it was really hard, but man was a habitual animal, and so I got used to this rhythm.

The drivers had agreed to Robert's idea and I still saw a little grimly: "Yes, make you a nice day. But there are still people who have to work." Played pityingly, the two Williams drivers looked at me and then laughed.

"How charming you are both. The Next time I sat down with the team leaders, who know the word work, not like two drivers for the worst team in Formula One", but I couldn't stop laughing. It was sad how badly we were doing. But I thought it was better if you could laugh at yourself, so everything became more bearable. At least for a moment.

George put an arm around my shoulder and briefly pulled me to him. After that he swiped my hair right away. The friendship between me and George was very close from the beginning, but a lot had changed since the airport. He had really become my best friend, whom I would trust blindly. This included the fact that we were happy to get annoyed.

'I don't know how you're doing, but I'm exhausted. Have fun tomorrow, good night," I left the room. Tired, I slid up into my room and got ready to sleep, but my phone rang didn't make me find my well-deserved sleep.

Slightly annoyed, I took off without looking at who it was: "Laura?" My friend's weeping voice sounded from the other side of the line. With one blow I was awake again and sat down. Because Mirella wasn't the guy who called me crying. In addition, they had only five o'clock in the morning, because the clock indicated eleven o'clock in the evening.

"What's going on?" I wanted to know immediately. A quiet sobbing sounded from the other direction, which made me nervous. So, I had freed myself from the duvet and got up. The air suddenly felt stuffy, so I opened the balcony door.

Deeply, Mirella breathed through, so That I would understand her for sure: "I... I'm pregnant.' How petrified I stood there and had the balcony door in my hand. As a good friend, I was supposed to talk to her well, but I was just like frozen. I couldn't really think either, because it had just got me out of the concept.

"Does Manu know it," I still hadn't realized it. At least I managed to get to the fresh air. To reassure me, I immediately lit a cigarette because I really needed it.

On the other side of the line, there had been a comic silence: "No, he doesn't know yet. I don't know who the father is.' Immediately I started coughing because I had swallowed the smoke of the cigarette.

Desperately asked my girlfriend to say something, but honestly, I didn't know what to say. As my best friend, I would always stand by her and the child, but I was really overwhelmed right now. Inwardly, I had expected something like this, because it wasn't the first time with the lobby boy from Russo. But I always expected my girlfriend to be clever enough and to be wary.

"Can't you remember who you had unprotected sex with? And most importantly, have you been to the gynecologist?" I still hoped it was a bad joke. Because I didn't know how to help Mirella. Being helpless, I was able to handle it really badly. I always had a solution for everything, but I didn't have one for my best friend's pregnancy.

I leaned slightly against the railing of the balcony: "I don't know, and I haven't dared yet. Likewise, I don't want to and can't be pregnant, Laura.' My girlfriend's fear and despair were clear, but I was just as perplexed. I was thousands of miles away from her and powerless.

"Do you want to have an abortion?" it remained silent. It was a sensitive issue, but it was not my decision. No matter what Mirella decides, I will stand by her side and hold her hand. Even if abortion was nothing for me, it was only the decision of my girlfriend and not mine.

Tired I grabbed my head, because slowly I only got a headache from thinking: "I don't know, Laura helps me. I'm scared of what my parents know about it. Or worse Manuel." Their desperation only made life more difficult for me. My heart ached because my hands were tied.

"No matter what happens, I'm always there. Whether you decide for or against the baby, I'm still your girlfriend," I really couldn't do more. After further reassuring words, Mirella decided to make a gynecologist appointment and then call me again.

I finally wanted to sleep, but my head didn't let it. My thoughts turned like a carousel and went through all sorts of scenarios. Only early in the morning I found some sleep, which was already over after a good three hours.

My head was roaring with exhaustion and I felt like Lando had really run over me. I didn't go to breakfast at all because It took me too long to get ready. Still not quite awake I had made it down to the meeting point of the Williams team. Together with the mechanics we would make ourselves the terrain. Of course, the first mechanics of all the teams were already on site, but only us and Haas and Alfa Romeo were already completely there.

Next to Zack, I sat down on the bus and closed my eyes: "Had a short night?" I just nodded because I didn't want to speak yet. Zack understood this as a sign that he should leave me alone, so he turned to the others. Even if I didn't want to bury him, I was still about the peace that I got.

But I couldn't sleep anymore, so I looked at my phone. Lando had written to me two hours ago that they had landed. I quickly sent a thumbs up and a kiss smiley. Since I was having lunch in England, I got a message from my friend again.

"All good with you? What are you doing?" asked Lando. It was cute how he always wanted to be sure that I was doing well, but sometimes I found it a bit exaggerated.

I didn't have to think for a long time: "Everything is fine. The riders are exploring today, and I'm on my way to work with the rest of the way." Immediately I received a statement of sympathy from my friend for having to work while the others were having fun. According to him, he had made himself comfortable with a muesli in front of the TV.

"Should I start getting your things out of the hotel? I could bring you fresh stuff to Austin if you need something," he suggested straight away. I still wasn't really convinced of the 'pulling together', but he seemed to be fire and flame for it. That's why I just let him do it and gave it the OK. I had already given him a room key for the Russo. So, he would be able to get my stuff without any problems.

In the chat, I didn't even get to know how we were there: "Laura, we're here. Are you coming?" I quickly wrote to Lando that I had to work now and then got up. I hurriedly followed the rest of the team over the still empty paddock. We were the first team to make our way to the track, so no one was here yet.

The sun hadn't even really risen, as it was just after half past seven, so the whole thing had a special atmosphere. For a short time, I had stopped and looked at the empty track, which was colored in a light red. Just for this sight, getting up was worth it and letting my tiredness forget me for a moment.

I probably wasn't the only one who had taken that mood. So, our social media employee Karin had taken some photos, among others with me and the rest of the team members. Of course, Karin uploaded it to Instagram immediately, which I immediately slammed. Before I went to the desk stuff.

What a race yesterday, next race with a Max or Lando winn- Xxx Fabi

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