Chapter 72

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"Lando it's five to nine!", we still had more than enough to do until we could get rid of it. Starting with the Campari and soda were not yet outside. Then the last things had to be packed and stowed into the car. But the lord had preferred to pursue other activities in bed and was now still showering.

I, on the other hand, was downstairs in the living room and searched for the last things from Campari and soda and packed them together with the food in a box. I already brought them down to the car, so that the two did not get to the food, because she had already eaten.

Since I was in a hurry, I took two steps at once when I went up: "I'll go around the block with the two of them once, so that we can go when I'm back!" From above came only a yes as approval, but it was completely enough for me. While Campari joyfully let himself be put on a leash, soda trotted comfortably towards me and was in no hurry to get out of the house.

"If you quickly peed and shit outside, we can go faster," I tried to encourage soda to join in. But what do you expect from a puppy? Of course, the two had no idea what I had said or they didn't care. So it took 15 minutes until the two had done the business and I could run back.

My plan had actually been to get right in the car and drive off, but I could forget that too. Lando hadn't been that far yet, instead he tried to turn off the central heating and seemed to have no idea about it.

"We can also just turn off each radiator individually if you don't know how," I tried to speed up the whole thing. Lando stood in front of the switchgear in our laundry room and stared at the screen in front of her. It used to be easier with the tap, because you just had to turn in the right direction.

But my friend didn't want to give himself the damn: "No, I'll get there right away. Could you check windows and doors again?". I nodded and set out to check every window and electronic devices. If you weren't at home for so long, nothing had to be unnecessarily powered that wasn't necessary.

Checked everything, I went back down and could hear Lando talking to someone. At first I thought that he might be talking to the puppies, but when I looked into the laundry room, I could see his cell phone by the ear. Automatically I had to start laughing, Lando had called his father as it turned out.

Lando looked at me as he followed his father's instructions and I lay on the stairs laughing. Thanks to Adam, Lando had managed to turn off the heating and we were able to put on shoes and jacket.

While I lifted Campari and soda in transport boxes so they were safe from the rest of the luggage, Lando activated the alarm system for the whole house. No one could move anywhere without an alarm going off on their phone. At the same time, a message was always received directly by a security service and if they did not get an all-clear from Lando, they would send someone over.

Slightly exhausted from the stress, I let myself fall on the passenger seat, while I could see how Lando checked whether the door was really locked. Then he also got into the car and got behind the wheel, so that we could drive off with over 35 minutes delay. Since Adam Lando had to help, they knew about our delay, at least I didn't have to worry about it.

Since it was a vending machine, Lando mainly needs only one hand and put the other on my thigh. I enjoyed this little touch myself, because from the place a pleasant warmth went out and warmed my body.

A look in the rear-view mirror told me that the car was crammed: "Luckily there are only two of us, imagine we still had children. A car wouldn't be enough anymore." Lando looked briefly at me and then at the street, but I had already seen his amused grin on his lips.

"I like the idea of a Mini Lando and Mini Laura, imagine how their eyes would light up if they wanted to see their grandparents again and definitely drive Formula 1," he said.

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