Chapter 55

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The rest of the weekend was quite unspectacular for me, as I had only been in the building. As expected, Lewis won his sixth world title, even though Bottas had won the race. Since I did not have a particularly close relationship with the Mercedes drivers, I had congratulated them briefly on passing by, but nothing more. I didn't oppose them, but they were just a bit older and that's why we didn't really have anything to do with each other.

"Do you want to sleep a little more?" my friend brushed me through my hair. With my head, I lay on his chest, staring out of the plane window. We would probably fly for a while, but I couldn't really sleep. There were just too many thoughts in my head that kept me awake.

I shook my head slightly and continued to listen to his heartbeat, which calmed me down a bit: "What do you want for your birthday?" I was bad at finding gifts, so I always needed to get to the last minute, and then it was mostly just vouchers. Furthermore, I also wanted to distract Lando from the subject, so he wouldn't worry.

"As long as you stay with me, I don't need a gift," came an aww or 'how cheesy' from the surrounding people. It just made me sigh, because I really couldn't do anything with it. I had to dial the phone joker and ask George for advice. Even if Lando didn't expect a gift from me, as a friend it was my duty to give something. My question was just what.

My ear was still above where his heart was, while I made a list in my head. The first thing I would have to do was take care of my mother and the funeral, then the birthday present, and the last thing about abortion. Things couldn't be more different. I only really had to do something with the gift, but I couldn't be more with the other two things.

"What are you thinking about?" my friend's voice ripped me out of my thoughts. But I did not lift my head and continue to go out to the sea below us. Slowly it got dark outside, but I didn't feel exhausted.

Lando gently stroked my hair and simply held me to himself: "Nothing important... You've had a busy weekend, if you're tired, you should sleep." Even if Lando immediately denied that he was tired, I had noticed his suppressed yawning.

"I'm not tired, and you didn't promise me to tell me everything that oppresses you. Don't promise that nothing oppresses you, Laura. Because I look at you that there's something," I could have told him about Mirella's dilemma, but I didn't. Not because I didn't want it, just I couldn't find a plane in the right place. In Barcelona, I would tell him in a quiet moment, maybe.

Instead, I looked up to him as well as I could: "You see and hear that you're tired. Don't play the hero and sleep, everything else makes you my worry. Everything you need to know at the moment, you know, so sleep something." I straightened up to give my friend a kiss on the mouth before I snuggled up to his chest again.

"But if there's something, do you tell me?" asked Lando. So that he could rest, and I could go back to my thoughts, I nodded against his chest leaning. His arms snaked tighter around me, so he abused me as teddy. But I enjoyed it because I could feel its warmth even more. Without realizing it, my hands had slammed into his shirt as if he were my rock in the surf. But Lando was definitely more than that, he was mi vita, my life.

As wild as my life was, the relationship gave me a sense of security as far as my subconscious allowed it. But I was ready to fight against my protection mechanism, because I wanted to let Lando go completely to me and never let go again.

It wasn't long before I could feel the regular breath of my friend. Carefully I looked up to him to be sure he was asleep. With his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open, I saw it as proven that Lando was asleep. I gently turned around in his teddy handle to the aisle of the plane. On the other side of the plane, Carlos sat with his cousin.

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