Chapter 24

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My body felt heavy as I hoisted myself out of my bed. In addition to my nightmare, the warmth had been causing me problems, hopefully the drivers had been able to sleep better. The first training sessions would take place tonight, so lack of sleep would probably not be so good.

I could fallen asleep again by standing, but I someone had something against that: "My Juliette seems to be rather A Sleeping Beauty. Should I kiss the fair Maid awake?" I could only shake my head because I really wondered what was going on in his head sometimes. But his grin made me grin, even if I was still a bit grampeily. What Lando fortunately didn't take personally from me, it was just tiredness.

With one hand he held my hip and with the other he supported himself on the wall of the hotel. I had already closed my eyes and was just waiting for him to finally close the gap between us. Of course, I didn't have to ask Lando, so I could feel his lips. Automatically I put my arms in his neck and pulled me even closer to him. We didn't care that we were in the middle of the street and could have seen us photographers. We were happy and didn't want to deal with what if we were to deal with it.

"Uh, who owns me money now," we immediately broke away. At the hotel entrance, George stood with his mobile phone in his hand. He frantically tapped on it before looking at us grinning. His gaze told me that he had done something stupid.

Lando took my hand into his and looked suspiciously at his friend: "Who owes you money, because of what and to whom did you write?" George looked innocently to his friend and could pinch an even wider grin.

At first the driver of my team tried to get out, but when Lando tried to get George's phone. He gave in and talked about his and Alex Bet. With a little distance I had watched the two drivers and wondered what I was getting into. Like little children, the two of them ran around and did whatever. Even when Claire appeared in the doorway, I didn't make any admissions. Let them let off their testosterone .

"What happened?" Claire asked me. In her hand she had a mug of coffee, which I just envied her. Mine would probably have to wait until Lando and George got ready. I could really use a caffeine boost. I was probably really addicted to this drink, but without a coffee I can't really get into the aisles.

Claire probably had enough, because she stood between the two: "What are you doing here?" She wanted to know about the McLaren driver when the two boys had separated. Lando's gaze quickly turned to me and my pulse went up. My boss had already seen us when he drove me, but I didn't know how she reacted. She had offered to talk to me at the time, but she didn't have to say that she would support us.

"I understand," was all that escaped the British woman. George next to her just grinned at me while my boss took a serious look. I got even header; her eyes were almost as scary as my parents' when I done something wrong as kid. Like, when I had begged candies before lunch or before bed time. Like then, I was intimidated and pulled my head in. The intensity of the gaze could not bode well for me.

She said of the two boys: "We talk to each other in the office, be on time." Even George looked at our boss a little scary. The McLaren bosses had taken it better. I briefly wondered if I had been mistaken in Williams' team leader, maybe she wasn't as relaxed as I thought. In fact, I had seen the bosses of Lando as a major obstacle, Claire I hadn't even thought. Of course, I could understand the concerns, but I would never recount internal matters. I think I would have to make that clear to her.

George looked at his mobile phone and disappeared after a short farewell: "Do we want two to try the best coffee and milk?" Actually, I had passed the desire for everything. The conversation already left me with stomach pains. Which my boyfriend probably noticed. It still felt great in the morning to call him my boyfriend. Shortly I thought I was going to pull back, but it felt too good for that. We had only met two weeks ago, but I always felt I knew him.

"A bottle of vodka would be better," my dry humor made Lando laugh. I wasn't after it. In front of my inner eye I still saw my boss. Since I didn't get smart from it, I couldn't imagine what would happen to me later. This uncertainty frightened me. The worst scenarios went through my head, so I leaned on Lando. I tried to bury my head in his shoulder as if it protected me from my thoughts.

Lando put his arms around me: "Don't think about it, no matter what, I'm with you. I'm not going to go, my Julliette." It seemed as if the Briton had found a nickname for me. Even though it was funny that it was a different name, I still liked the name. He suited our position, because it already had something of Romeo and Juliet. In opposing teams, hopefully we wouldn't have to kill ourselves.

I drew its scent deep into me. With new strength I then broke away from him. Hand in hand we went to the track, all eyes were on our woven hands, at least it looked like this to me. Lando briefly pressed a little firmer to strengthen me. Gratefully, I smiled at him and tried to hide everyone around us.

As a matter of course, Lando ordered for both of us and also paid. He had simply ignored my protests. I looked at him as he gave me my coffee. He didn't hesitate at all but put his lips on mine. The fact that we were now completely in public and then still on the track seemed not to matter to the Briton.

I quickly broke away from him: "They look at us, all." The driver in front of me just shrugged his shoulder, he didn't care, but I did. I'd rather prepare my father so that the shock is less deep. I was sure that my father would play the Italian mafia boss when he meets Lando again.

"Forget the others, forget Claire. Think of us. We are happy no matter what else they say. Let people look when their lives aren't exciting enough. Relax and focus on me," he was right. I looked down to the shoes when I just nodded and took a sip of coffee. Since the racetrack was still open for a large part, we decided to go to the VIP area.

Only mechanics would be there at the back at that time, and they had enough to do with the cars. We settled on a lounge in front of the McLaren building. The building just gave us shade, but probably not for a long time. I had sat down in the corner and was just waiting for my boyfriend to sit down. When he did this, I put my legs over his.

I put my head in my neck and looked up to the sky: "When my Nono died, my Nonna had always told me that he now lives on the clouds. Every time I flew, I was hoping to see him." One hand from Lando lay on my shin and gently stroked over it. Luckily, I had shaved yesterday, otherwise I would have been slightly embarrassed. Of course, everyone can decide for themselves, but I didn't like hair on my legs. I always felt so unkempt when stubble formed.

"Do you miss him?" I quickly shook my head. I had no memory of him myself, so you couldn't miss it. According to my father's stories, he had been the parent of Dad who didn't want me. At least officially. Dad had caught him two or three times, as he had given me sweets. I would have liked to have met, because I couldn't make a sense of the stories. Aunt Sophia had also told me that she had seen a tear in Nono's eyes when he was told that I was a girl and that I was born healthy. Uncle Antonio, on the other hand, described my grandfather as a patriarch and a strict believer.

Slowly I broke away from the sky and looked into the most beautiful eyes in the world: "He died when I was not quite 3 years old. I can't remember him, so I wouldn't call it a miss. He is said to have been a very strict man, at least if I believe my uncle. My aunt, on the other hand, keeps telling me how much he must have liked me."

"Who can say no to a little girl? I'm going to allow our daughter anything, especially if she looks like her mom," I looked at the boy with a touch. Without hesitation, he had told our daughter, which meant a lot to me. He really intended to stay by my side, even if children can wait a long time. First there was the matter of studying.

Still, I couldn't pinch it, introducing Lando to me with a baby in my arms. My heart began to melt at this imagination. Who wouldn't be like that if he introduced his boyfriend with a baby?

Short was silence, which Lando broke: "If you have an uncle and an aunt, do you also have cousins or cousins?" Again, I shook my head, on Dad's side I was still the only one. My aunt wasn't much older than me when She was 27, she was also the youngest of the three. Antonio was not in a hurry at the age of 31, and he had never brought a girlfriend to family celebrations. For a while, Nonna had been afraid that he might be gay. For a believing Christian, that would be hell on earth.

When she saw him in bed with two women, she had almost screamed with joy all over Italy. In the end, she had left it to the family with calls. This had probably been the weirdest Sunday morning of my life. Who was woken at half past nine to be told that the uncle had a threesome at night?

"Even Mum's older sister has none. She and her husband had tried many things, but it never worked out. In the meantime, they have come to terms with it and taken two puppies," the Briton nodded. He couldn't say anything about it.

To lift the mood, I wanted to change the subject. You could already see a group approaching you from a distance, which had already called to Lando. Since Max, Alex and Carlos were among them, I assumed that they were all drivers.

With a hug, the aforementioned greeted me first, before a broad-grinning man introduced: "Hey I am Daniel Riccardo, driving at Renault. But I can call me Dani." I also introduced myself briefly before he hugged me. Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly did the same to the Australian.

"And I'm George Russell, driver at Williams," before George could hug me, I gave him a pat on the back of the head. He looked at me in disbelief, knowing exactly why he had got it. While the Red Bull and McLaren drivers could laugh, the others understood nothing. When I took my hair backwards and they were able to recognize the Williams shirt, I think it had been enough as answer for everyone.

Dani patted Lando on the shoulder: "Doesn't McLaren have any beautiful women that you're already take woman from other teams? In your place I would be careful, because you can't find women like her on every corner." He had whispered the last part, but I understood it. But I didn't know what he meant.

"I'm reluctant to separate the dream couple in love, but we're expected in the Team building," George said. For the short time I had really forgotten the upcoming conversation, but now the thoughts were back. Nervousness set in, which my boyfriend had probably noticed and knew me well enough to know.

"You know where you can find me if there is something. Do we see each other before the first training?" I nodded in response. Before I went with George, I gave Lando another kiss. Which probably gave him conversational material with the other drivers. But I went to the Williams building with the driver of my team.

In front of Claire's door, I breathed deeply before knocking. My hands were sweaty, and my thoughts were a pure merry-go-round. I was so bad that I could have spit. I would love to be at home under my blanket now.

In, anxiously I opened the door.

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