Chapter 41

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"If he does something you don't want, you'll call me right away," I rolled my eyes. For an hour now, my uncle said goodbye to me. Whenever I wanted to close the door, he kept his foot in between and started saying something again. At first, I found it funny, but after the tenth time it only annoyed me, finally I had to get ready for my date.

I looked at my uncle: "Lando would never do anything I didn't want and yes I'm reporting. Now go, otherwise the plane will fly without you." So, I pressed my uncle again before he really left. Relieved, I finally closed my room door and paused briefly.

A glance at the clock of my mobile phone told me that I had to hurry. So, I immediately went to the closet. Lando had thought I didn't have to be particularly chic, but just because it was a date, I would still do it. That's why I looked through my dresses, even if it was already too cold for them. For Lando, however, I also liked to take the risk of freezing.

At first, I thought of an evening dress, but somehow, I didn't like any of them who wer in London today. So, I looked through my other clothes, but none really convinced me. My eyes scanned everything again when I noticed a dress at the bottom of the closet, it must have fallen down.

"That's it," I said as I lifted it up. It was short, but with a pair of tights it would be fine. By the breasts it was white and quite simple, from the hip to the middle of the thighs it was then in an old pink. My mother had bought it from me in Barcelona more than two years ago and actually I loved it. But when the clothes were spread all over Europe, one liked to lose the overview. I thought I didn't have this dress any more, but luckily it was still there.

With the dress, black tights and white lace underwear, I ran into the bathroom. I hurriedly threw my current clothes into one corner of the bath, which I would be able to find together later. Before my hair was really wet, I also foamed my hair.

I just had the shampoo out of my hair when it knocked on the door: "Come on!" I snapped my bathrobe and wrapped my hair in the towel. Just as I was leaving the bathroom, it knocked again.

"I'm already there," I opened the door. Lando still held his hand up and as if he wanted to keep knocking. But with his eyes, he once looked at me from top to bottom.

Immediately, a grin spread on his face: "When I said you didn't have to make yourself chic, I was thinking of something more than that. But I actually like it if there hadn't been a chance that someone else could see you like that." Annoyed, I stepped aside so that the chickpea could enter the room. Which he did and still grinned like a little kid in front of him.

"Don't pull such a face, it was just fun. I was done with the preparations earlier and thought I could spend a little more time with my beautiful girlfriend," he said, squeezing a kiss on my lips. After this compliment, I couldn't be more offended. Without really thinking about anything, I let myself fall into the kiss and handed over the complete control to my boyfriend. 

A slight smile adorned his lip: "If you keep standing in front of me and kissing me, we will probably never leave this hotel room again." I briefly thought about whether it would be such a pity if we did not leave. But since it sounded like Lando had really struggled, I didn't want to be like that.

"Give me another ten minutes, and I'm done", after a short kiss, I was gone again in the bathroom. The first thing I did was try my hair there, and then I did my make-up. It was kept simple, just as the dress was. With the dress I had the problem that many women probably knew, this one inch, which you could not close yourself.

"Lando could you please close the dress?" I noticed that I didn't have a nickname for him. But it didn't seem to bother him, because he only looked at me with big eyes. Nodded hastily and got up, at the same time I had turned my back on him and took my hair forward. His fingers touched my skin slightly as he pulled up the zip. My neck hair swelled up and my abdomen pulled up.

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