Chapter 53

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Through gentle kisses I was awakened in the morning: "If we do fast and give up breakfast, we would have time for a third round." He whispered in my ear, which made me grin. I wasn't a morning person, but with such prospects, you woke up gladly. The kisses went deeper and deeper until he was between my thighs. His touches made me think, unfortunately my phone got me out of my fog, as it rang continuously.

"Even when the witch dies, she manages to avoid the fun. Couldn't wait another 20 minutes" because Luca called me, I was pretty sure what had happened. Slightly annoyed I took off, where the husband of my mother immediately contacted.

In the background, I could hear my mom crying, which touched me because I loved my mom: "She fell asleep... If you want to say goodbye, you'd have to be here before Tuesday, then she'll be cremated." Lando had laid down next to me, but had placed his head on my chest so that I could now swipe through his hair.

'I can't be with you before Wednesday, I ask Zac if I can fly with McLaren, but I'll stay here until the race is over. I can't do anything anyway, I'd be in your way more than a help," I made clear my point of view. After her last words to me, I didn't want to see her until she came underground.

Luca could be heard sighing: "I just thought she was your Abuela. But if you don't want to, is it okay, do you come alone or with Lando?" Carefully I looked down to my friend, who nodded slightly. He had probably heard what my stepfather had asked me and wanted to make it understandable that he would accompany me. It would be the first time he had confronted them as my friend. Actually, I wanted to save this for Christmas, but the witch had to break everything for me. On the other hand, I'm happy if he supports me, because I honestly didn't know what it would be like at the funeral. I couldn't know if I would still feel so cold and empty or whether I was still overcome with anger or grief.

"Lando is coming too, I'll tell you when exactly we're in Barcelona. I'd love to talk to you for longer, but the work is calling. Push mum and the guys one for me, until then," I put on. But I didn't get up yet because it took me a moment to gather.

My friend stood up, but stayed seated next to me: "Should I tell Claire? You certainly don't have to come to training, she was just your grandmother." I quickly shook my head, because I wouldn't stay in the hotel because of her. I was just hoping that the media didn't know about it and didn't fall on me like animals. In Spain my Abuela was not unknown, so it would be quite possible that they knew soon. But I didn't want to bring my life to a standstill because of them, the earth continues to spin without the witch.

"No, everything is fine. We should dress, not that we are too late. But could you ask Zac and Andreas if it would be okay if I flew back with you," my friend sighed, noting this and just nodding. Together we got up and got ready for today.

As we brushed our teeth, Lando looked at me critically through the mirror: "I'm fine, really. The witch is now to simmer forever in purgatory, which she deserves." Even with the toothpaste and toothbrush in my mouth, my better half understood me. It was hard for him to understand that I felt that way towards my grandmother. But he more or less took it and stood behind my decisions, as I will always do. Behind closed doors one can argue, but outwardly one should form a closed unit, at least that is how I felt it. I often had to read in the media how my parents had shot at each other, which was really not nice as a child.

Since Lando had come yesterday with a rental car from McLaren, we were able to go without waiting for my team. Every minute I had alone with my friend, I enjoyed all the more, as this will rarely be the case in the future.

While Lando was concentrating on the road, I tried to distract myself from the songs in the car by singing. I didn't want to think about what was going to happen to me in the next few weeks. Because if the media learned of death, they probably wouldn't leave me alone. Even though I wasn't grieving, I didn't want to be constantly followed by photographers.

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