Chapter 52

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Slightly distraught Claire and I arrived at the track and got out. I definitely wouldn't want to be alone that night, so my boyfriend had to stay with me. I really wasn't a person who was scared quickly, but one or the other picture in this hunted house had been disturbing.

"Laura?!" I screamed in horror and clawed at Claire. What a group of drivers founds funny, I looked angry to Daniel who had called me. He was with Nico, Lewis, Max and Sergio. They had probably been together in the conference and already finished. When I felt safe now that it was just the Aussie and no one from the cursed house was here, I let go of my boss.

Asked, Sergio looked at me when I arrived at them: "What happened to you? This wall has more colour than you?" The answer he got from max, who probably had fun with the fact that I was slightly disturbed.

"Was that bad?" asked Lewis. He tried to have some pity, but you could see that he had to hold his laugh. I just nodded as it shook me again. The cannibalism was shown and anyone was constantly coming out of the dark on us, had shaken me slightly.

So, my heart had to stop beating when two arms snaked around my belly: "Why so scary, my Juliet." Sergio, Nico and Lewis looked at Lando confused, as they probably didn't know about my nickname. Daniel and Max already knew it, so they could continue to make fun of me.

"Juliet is his nickname for me, you already know Romeo and Juliet. After all, the media called us so nice like them," you could see both of them clicking. Now the nickname was more than understandable to them.

Lando behind me was still firmly in control: "To your question that hunted house happened. I really thought I wouldn't come back in one piece. If we're already there, are you asleep with me today?" Over my shoulder I had tried to look at him, which didn't really work.

"Is anyone afraid to sleep alone?" joked Dan. Max, however, seemed to have a very different idea as to why I wanted Lando with me. To be honest, both were right about their theory. Almost two weeks without Lando had really been too long, and I was really a little afraid to sleep alone.

Before Max could open his mouth, I was already looking angry at the Dutchman: "Max Emilian Verstappen, be ashamed of such lewd thoughts." Nico was the only one who could laugh because I had deliberately said it on German. Max raised his hands defensively and looked at me like a little child who had been caught snacking. Dani immediately began to squeal because he wanted to know what I had said.

"Nothing about you, I just justified him for his thoughts," so the matter was done. Lewis and Sergio said goodbye, but Now Charles and Pierre joined us. Of course, the two immediately wanted to know what it was like with Claire in the creepy house. I told the guys what it was like in as much detail as possible. Unfortunately, I seemed to be the only one who found the cannibal and the chainsaw type frightening.

Dan dreamily sighed: "Ah, nothing goes beyond the good old guy with the chainsaw. Without him, it wouldn't be a scary house." He hadn't been in the room either, as the guy who didn't come from the chainsaw. They could all make fun of me, because they didn't have to go through the thing. Claire is really a deaf woman and even she had been shocked. When I think about kids going in their later, I could understand why there were so many stupid people in the world. After such a trauma, you can quickly lose your mind.

"If I can, I'll get some things out of my hotel afterwards and come to you," Lando whispered seductively in my ear. Luckily, only I could hear him, otherwise Max probably couldn't have kept his mouth shut. I really liked the Dutchman as a friend, but he didn't know certain limits. He always said what he thought, even if he was going to alienate others. Basically, I thought it was good, but when it came to my and Lando's sex life, I wanted a zip on his mouth.

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