Chapter 232

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Chapter 232: Toby's POV

"Soooo," I said awkwardly as Marie stood in my room. It was two days after Christmas and my parents and Jenna were out returning gifts.

"Let's do this," she replied and removed her shirt. She hopped onto my bed and I scooted myself beside her.

"We can finally do this," I said gleefully and she removed my shirt. "Can I just ask one thing first?"


"Where were you on Christmas night?" I asked and Marie raised an eyebrow.

"Just a dinner at my house with my family."

"Because I drove past your house and your car wasn't there."

"You, you came to my house?" she asked nervously.

"No, but the way you answered that question makes me suspicious. What were you doing that you couldn't tell me?"

"Well, just like you had something important to do aka picking up your ex-girlfriend, I had somewhere important to go."

"Like meeting your ex-boyfriend?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I wanted to believe Marie was innocent, but a notion told me Spencer had not been lying to me.

"No," she said and removed her pants. "Come on, let's just do this. Then we can ask all the questions."

"So you're just going to use me for sex and then dump me, Marie? Is that it?"

"What are you even talking about?" Marie asked and she leaned in to take off my pants, but I pushed her away.

"Spencer saw you and another guy in a restaurant."

"And you believe that psychotic bitch?" she asked, not denying my accusation.

"Well, you're giving me a reason too!" I yelled back and Marie got out of my bed.

"I don't need to explain myself. It's either me or Spencer. You choose."

I paused as I stared at Marie's half naked body. Damn...

Focus, Toby. Just because she's hot doesn't mean she's honest.

"No wonder you forgave me so easily when you found out I slept with Spencer," I said. "You're doing the same thing."

"Yeah, so we're cool."

"No, we're not!" I yelled. "I felt so horrible about it that I cut off all connections with Spencer completely! I loved her and I called her a slut and a homewrecker and now she hates me. I stayed faithful to you, Marie, yet you didn't give a shit about my feelings."

"So what are you saying?" she asked and put her shirt back on.

"I want you to leave and never come back," I said flatly and she flipped her hair.

"Your loss," she replied and headed for the door.

"Wait, give me back my ring."

Marie took Mom's ring off her finger and threw it at me. I caught it and shoved it in my drawer. She turned around and I heard her footsteps walking down the stairs.

"It was never meant for you anyway!" I yelled loudly.

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