Chapter 266

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Chapter 266: Toby's POV

"Come on, Spencer. Let's get some lunch. My treat," I said and picked her up from my lap.

"Fine, but I have to get back here soon so that I can pack."

"Focus on one thing at a time!" I said and we left the room. 


I poked my fork at my salad as the waiter brought us some more bread. We were at an Italian restaurant and Spencer and I were both silent.

"You can say his name, okay!" Spencer finally exclaimed. "I don't even care about Mark nor do I give two shits about what he called me."

"Um, ok then...Did you love him?"

"Bullshit, Toby. You know I'll never love someone like him."

"But he treated you like a princess. Wasn't that what you always wanted? He did everything for you," I said in confusion.

"Toby, do you seriously not understand? I need someone feisty. I need someone who'll argue with me, not do everything I say like a servant. I need someone who balances out my problems. Someone who keeps up with me, someone who tries to make me a better person, not someone who listens to everything I say and obeys me like a lap dog."

"And Mark was your servant?" I asked and Spencer nodded. "Damn, then why did you date him?"

"I don't know. Maybe I was tired of moping about you. He was nice, he asked me out, and I said yes. Sure, I liked him, but I don't think I really liked him romantically. More like a really good friend and now my stupidity ruined that friendship."

"He's still in Stanford. You graduated. It's not like you're going to see him again."

"Except that I have four more years in Stanford for med school," Spencer reminded me.

"It's a big school. You'll find someone else. Someone better."

Spencer took a bite of the bread and sighed deeply. "I just wish you lived here."

"Oh, do you really?" I asked seductively.

"Yeah, you could be my relationship counselor," she said to my disappointment.

"That's exactly what I'd like to be."

"We could have so much fun together, Tobes. Far from Rosewood drama. Far from stupid high school shit. Just me and you. Fun. Sex. Hardcore sex."

"Excuse me?" I asked even though I was really turned on.

Spencer laughed adorably and handed me some bread. "You know it's true, Toby. If you were in California, we would be the hottest couple here."

"So about this sex?" I teased. "I mean, you said if I was in California, we could have sex. And look! I'm in California now!"

"Let's at least wait until our main courses arrive."


"My room or your room?" I asked Spencer when we were in the elevator. 

"Yours," she said and I pushed the appropriate button.

When we reached my floor, she grabbed my hand and led us to my room. I opened the door and Spencer slammed it hard. She threw her face on mine and our lips were smacked against each other.

"Wait!" I said and let go of her to her surprise. "I thought you had to pack!"

"The only package I want to see is yours, Toby Cavanaugh," Spencer whispered and pushed me hard against the wall.

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