Chapter 177

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Chapter 177: Spencer's POV

I didn't know if Toby was kidding about a side bitch, but I just laughed. "You're kidding, right?"

"Well, I was going to call Jade or Alison," Toby said and smirked.

"I hate you," I teased and he laughed.

"Come on, let's go buy you a sweater or something because you look worn down," Toby said as we drove off.


"Lance just texted me," I told Toby as we waited in his car outside the pizzeria. It was 6:50. "He said he'll be here in 15 minutes."

"So you have his number, but you didn't know his name?" Toby said and laughed.

"He asked for my name and number and then I left, okay?" I said and Toby laughed again. "So are you guys close?"

"I mean, I've seen him from far, but we've never really talked to each other. I doubt he could recognize me. I know he has a lot of power though. He'll inherit the company when his father retires in a few years."

"Interesting," I noted. "Well, I think you should go inside and get a seat. Sit in the back."

"Okay, but wait outside the restaurant so I can see if he kidnaps you," Toby said and we both got out of his car.


"Spencer!" I heard a voice from behind me and saw Lance walking towards me. Damn, he looked hot, wearing a collar shirt and jeans. He hugged me and I giggled awkwardly.

"You look lovely," he said and I smiled.

"I already got us seats," I said and the waiter showed us to a table in the middle of the restaurant. It was pretty crowded, but I could spot Toby sitting in the corner in a booth, all alone, staring at us.

"Aw, I wanted a booth," Lance said and laughed.

"So do you come here often?" I asked as we sat down.

"No, I don't really ask a lot of girls out," Lance said and blushed. 

"Wow, I feel special," I said and fake giggled. Again.

"So how old are you?" he asked me as I took a sip of water.

"22," I said in my most confident voice. "You?"

"17," he said and I spit out my water.

"OMG! I am so sorry!" I said as Lance wiped some water off his shirt. People were staring at us, including Toby. I could even spot a triumphant smile on his face. Shit!

"You're serious?" I managed to gasp.

"No!" he said and I sighed. "I can tell you were lying. At least you're a pretty little liar."

"Fine, I'm 18," I admitted and Lance smirked.

"Wow, I feed old. I'm 25."

"You're not that old," I said truthfully because of my experiences with Ian Thomas and Wren Kingston.


"So about Toby, my brother," I added since this was getting way too boring. "Can you see the resemblance between us?"

"Well, honestly, I've never seen him, but if he looks anything like you, he must be the most perfect man on this planet."


I blushed and drank some more water. "You know what? You're right. I want to sit in a booth."

"Well, there aren't any open."

I scanned the restaurant and saw Toby sitting in the corner, staring at us. He winked when I saw him and I blushed. 

"Hey, there's a guy sitting there all alone. I'm sure he won't mind if we join him," I pointed out and Lance turned around.

"Are you sure?" Lance asked doubtfully.

"I'm positive. And that way, we can sit next to each other," I said flirtaciously and that seemed to seal the deal.

Lance and I stood up and walked towards Toby. He tried to focus on his menu as we walked up to him and I could see the poor boy was so confused.

"Hey, mind if we join? I know we're complete strangers, but we didn't like our old seats," I told Toby and he understood me.

"Sure," he replied and Lance and I slid in on the opposite side of Toby.

"I'm Lance," Lance introduced himself. "And this is Spencer. Spencer Cavanaugh."

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