Chapter 206

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Chapter 206: Toby's POV

I tried to push Eli away, but only Kenny's voice broke us apart.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he screamed and Eli and I broke up. Kenny dropped his phone and looked mad as hell. He walked over to us and Eli stood up.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"What the hell, Eli? Why the fuck are you guys kissing?"

"He kissed me," I muttered. "I didn't do shit."

"Toby's STRAIGHT!" Kenny yelled at Eli.

"No way! He was just talking about his ex-boyfriend, Spencer."

Ohhhhh, so that's why he thought I liked boys.

"Spencer is a girl name too," I added again and Kenny glared at me.

"He was hella flirting with me and he said he would date me!" Eli protested.

"I was kidding!" I said and stood up too.

"Well, Toby is straight!" Kenny yelled.

"Then why the hell did you bring him to a gay bar?" Eli asked.

"What?" I asked, shocked. "This is a gay bar?"

Kenny flushed a deep red and looked down.

"Look, people know me here. I like it here. I didn't think you would care."

"Whatever. Can you just drop me at my motel?" I asked. I bent down to pick up his phone and handed it to him. "You have three missed calls from Spencer by the way."

"Well, I'm going to go now," Eli said and turned towards me. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright," I said truthfully. It honestly wasn't that bad and I should have seen it coming.

"Sorry I overreacted," Kenny told me and sat on the bar stool. "Can I just have a few drinks before we leave? I need to calm down."

I really wasn't comfortable with Kenny drinking a lot, but I had no other choice but to agree.


"Kenny, I think we should go," I said. He hadn't drank that much, but it was a lot for me.

"Yeah, let's go back to the dance."

"It's almost midnight," I said. "The dance is long over."

Kenny slapped his forehead. "Shit, Kyle is gonna kill me for leaving him and student council to pack up!"

"I thought Kyle was okay with you coming here," I said. "Um, did you even tell him you're coming here with me?"

"Wanna know a secret?" Kenny asked and moved closer to me.

"You're drunk!"

"I didn't tell Kyle," he whispered in my ear and giggled. "You're so much cuter than him."

"Okay, we're leaving!" I said and dragged him out the door. "Give me your keys. I'm driving!"


As I sped to get back to the motel as quickly as possible, Kenny was passed out in the passenger's seat, but he was woken up by the loud sound of ugh, the cops. Shit, shit, shit!

I pulled over and sighed. It was past 1 and my phone was dead. It had been dead for the past couple of hours. The cop parked behind me and walked to my car. I pulled down my window to see a tired face staring at me.

"You were speeding, sir. It's late. You can't drive that fast here," the officer told me.

I was so used to driving at whatever speed I wanted in Rosewood. The cops cared more about Alison DiLaurentis than what speed people drove at.

"Sorry," I said and handed him my driver's license.

He scrutinized my license as Kenny woke up.

"What's going on?" he whispered.

"Just shut up," I replied.

"You know this is a Pennsylvania license," the officer said. "If you're a new resident, you need to apply for a California license."

"Yeah, I'm just visiting California."

"Well, whose car is this?"

"This guy's," I said and pointed to Kenny.

"Hey, bro!" Kenny said. Fuck.

"Is he drunk?" the officer asked. "How old is he?"

I took Kenny's driver's license out of his wallet and handed it to the officer.

"Kenneth Reyes, age 17," he read. "Minors shouldn't be out this late drinking."

"Look, Officer, is there any way you can just let us go? Please, I'm a good guy, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just want to go back home to Pennsylvania to see my family," I pleaded.

"Nice try, son, but you guys are coming with me."


Kenny and I sat in the police station. It was past one o'clock. I hated this. They had done tests on Kenny and found him with alcohol content. Now, I was ready for my doom. An officer came to us and frowned.

"Well, we called your parents," she told Kenny. "As for you, you're an adult. Got to solve this on your own."

"What the fuck?" I asked Kenny when the officer left. "Your parents are just going to bail you out even though this whole thing is your fault?"

"I'm sorry you wanted to have fun!"

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