Chapter 291

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Chapter 291: Spencer's POV

Hot damn!

Bam. Toby shut the door right in my face. Frustrated and a little confused, I rang the doorbell incessantly until he finally opened the door again.

"What?" he asked and stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind him. I noticed that he didn't look directly into my eyes, but rather at the top of my forehead. "Why are you here?"

"I'm visiting Hanna and I thought I'd say hi since you've been avoiding all my efforts to talk to you."

"Let me guess, you want to stay with me?" he pondered, still avoiding my eyes.

"No...I'm staying with Hanna," I said, wondering why Toby asked that question.

"Well, have fun," he replied and reached for the door, but I pulled his hand.

"I'm glad to see you've recovered."

"That's what eight months does to a person," he mumbled and I let go of his hand.

"Why can't you talk to me for more than ten seconds? I came all the way here to see you and you won't give me even a minute?" I asked outraged.

"I thought you came here to see Hanna," he said and smiled. He wasn't attractive in that adorable way anymore. He was hot. I wasn't sure if I liked it, but my opinion did not matter. His eyes had lost their innocence, his hair was parted backwards, he wore a tight shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

"You know I've missed you, Tobes. Why can't you even look at my eyes?"

"I don't have time for this, Spence. You should go."

"I'm not leaving until you look at me in my eyes and tell me why you broke up with me eight months ago."

Toby looked down and sighed. I stood there, waiting for what he would do and say. Almost a minute later, he looked up and gave me a cold stare. Yeah, he was totally different...he almost possessed a kind of evil demeanor.

"I wasn't ready to let someone I love give up on her life for me."

"But she was willing to do anything for you and you just left her when she needed you."

"You don't need me, Spence. You've known that from the start. You're a beautiful, smart girl who doesn't need a man in her life to guide her. You're independent and that's all you need for now. You just need yourself."

"So is this the end? This is just the end of us?" I asked, trying not to tear up.

"For now," he replied and I didn't know if I was relieved or mad upon hearing those two words.

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