Chapter 191

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Chapter 191: Spencer's POV

"UGHHHH!" I screamed and threw my phone across the hotel room. How could Toby be that heartless?

"What happened?" Melissa asked, rushing out of the bathroom. She held a hair straightner in one hand and half of her hair was still wavy. I wanted to laugh, but I was just too sad to.

"Toby," I replied and she groaned.

"Spencer, just sleep. It's been a long day and you have school tomorrow."


"Do I call a taxi?" I asked Mom as we stood outside the hotel. It was 7:00 AM and I just carried my phone and a small backpack, ready for my new school.

"Taxis are expensive, Spencer. Just follow me," she replied and started walking beyond the parking lot.

"Oh, are you going to drive me?"

"I don't have a car and more importantly, I don't have a California license."

"Then how am I going to get to school?" I questioned as we reached a bench in the sidewalk.

"You're taking the bus, Spencer," Mom said and I gasped.


Buses were gross. Period. I don't want to sound like a selfish brat, but never in my life have I taken a bus to school or back. It was full and cramped. Mom made sure I got on safely and found a seat on the bus and some boys in the back of the bus started laughing at me.

I was sitting at the front of the bus and there was only one empty seat, which was the one next to me. Making sure some weirdo wouldn't sit in it, I put my backpack on it. The bus kept stopping and more people would hop on. I assumed they were all school students because they were wearing backpacks. Most of them just rushed to the back and stood.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about Toby and how I had messed up. I shouldn't have told him about Toby 2.0 and I was just such a bitch!

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice. "Can you move your backpack?"

I looked to my right and saw a familiar figure. Toby 2.0...

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"Your backpack doesn't need a seat," he said and lifted it up and handed it to me. He sat in the empty seat next to me. Great...

"So are you new?" he asked me. Did he recognize me from yesterday?

"Yeah, I just moved here from Pennsylvania."

"No, I meant are you new to buses because you obviously don't know the rules around here," he said and giggled.

I shot him a cold look and he smiled. "Relax, I'm just kidding around. I bumped into you yesterday, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes," I said and he laughed again. I hated him and his stupid ego.

"I'm Kenny," he said and offered me his hand.

"Spencer," I replied and lightly shook it.

"So I look like your ex-boyfriend?"

Ugh, I didn't need to be reminded. "Not really, come to think of it," I admitted. They had the same body type and hair, but it was the eyes. He didn't have Toby's beautiful blue crystal eyes that could be spotted from anywhere. Those innocent eyes that drew me in every time I saw them. 

"So why is he an ex?"

"Shit happened," I answered shortly. I didn't trust Kenny, nor did I want to spill out my problems to some stranger.

"Hey, you can tell me," he said sincerely and patted me on the shoulder. It wasn't a douche move; he wasn't trying to hit on me. I could tell he was actually trying to be my friend.

"Thanks," I said and smiled.

"Oh, looks like we're here! Welcome to hell!" Kenny shouted as the bus came to a final stop.


"So what were you doing in the principal's office yesterday?" I asked Kenny as we took the treacherous walk from the bus stop to school. Probably in for too many detentions. Or smoking weed in the corner of the school. Or ditching class for the millionth time.

"Mr. Morris is my dad," he replied and I burst out laughing. "Well, that's humanly impossible, considering he's only 24."

"What?" I gasped and started laughing even more.

"Wow, you have no control!" he said and gave me a little friendly push. "Yeah, Morris has been a teacher here since he was like, 21. Then this year, he got promoted to principal since he's really dedicated, works many hours, and he's mature."

"Still, which school would let someone that young be principal?" I asked him and Kenny smiled. Wow, he was so cute when he wasn't being all cocky.

"Here's the truth: he has connections. His dad was the principal and then he retired. So our school went from Mr. Morris to Mr. Morris," he said. "Nice guy though. Just a little too cheerful."

"So why were you there?" I asked, moving the conversation back to the topic.

"Just last minute planning for the Winter Promenade," Kenny replied. "We had to discuss some finance issues."

"Winter Promenade?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm the president of this school." I couldn't tell if Kenny was joking or not. He didn't really look like he would be super popular nor did he look like the type of motivated, driven, president-material kids.


"Yes, Spencer," Kenny replied impatiently. "Winter Promenade is coming up next week and it has to be perfect for people to buy tickets. The more tickets we sell, the nicer prom we can have in May."

"Oh, I understand."

I wanted to ask Kenny something, but I didn't know if that made me seem too desperate. 

"You want to know if I have a date or not?" Kenny asked and I blushed. Was I that easy to read?

"Not at all," I lied and he laughed.

"Spencer, I have a girlfriend," he said and just like that, my heart shattered. All over again...

Did all people that looked like Toby have to hurt me?

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