Chapter 271

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Chapter 271: Spencer's POV

"Hi, my name is Mark, and I will be your waiter for the day," Mark said methodically even though I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"I'll take the chicken quesadilla," Toby said quickly and then excused himself to the bathroom. Always a gentleman...

"I think I'll have the veggie burrito," I said and handed Mark my menu.

"Are you sure? Maybe you want to change your mind? Tell the veggie burrito that you're ordering it, but then order something else the next minute?" Mark asked, sounding pissed off.

"What do you want?" 

"It's been a day, Spence. And you're already going out with him!" he whispered.

"Mark, we are not dating. I made sure of that. Toby is staying at my house for a few nights and I'm just showing him around. Plus, I didn't know you worked here."

"It's a summer job I just got," Mark replied. "Please...I bet you guys already fucked once in this past day."

"We didn't fuck once!" I said in awe. We fucked twice.

"Well, you should have these," he said and pulled something out from his back pocket. "Warriors tickets. They're playing the Lakers tonight."

"Why would you give me these?" I asked, trying to figure him out.

"I bought these for Toby and me, but I think it's best if you guys just go."

"Mark, no, please, I can't take these. They're super expensive and must mean a lot to you," I said, feeling guilty, especially since I knew how big of a basketball fan Mark was.

"Just take it, Spence. I want to see you happy and if that means it's not with me, I'm okay with that. Consider it a breakup present. The past months have been great and I'm sorry for everything I said yesterday."

"Don't apologize. You were right," I said. "Let me pay for these though."

"Or you can just add it to the tip," Mark teased and grabbed our menus.


20 minutes...

30 minues...

45 minutes...

Where was Toby? The game had not started yet, but he said he was going to the bathroom...45 minutes ago. We were here super early and there wouldn't even be a line. I tried calling him, but he wasn't picking up. Nor was he replying to his texts.

"Hey!" I hear a voice to my right and see Toby scoot into his scene.

"Where were you?"

"Sorry, the food line was long."

"You're not holding any food."

"Sorry, I went to the bathroom," Toby corrected himself, but I knew he was lying.

"When does the game start?"

"Half an hour. Aren't you excited? These seats are great!"

"Thank my ex," I muttered.


"Smile!" I said and took a selfie with Toby. The Warriors were well in the lead and I was getting tired of screaming.

"That's a cute picture."

"Maybe I should make a scrap book for you," I said and he put his hand around my shoulder and checked his watch.

I don't know why, but I didn't like that. Was Toby trying to show people that I was his date? Was this even a date? 

"I think I'm going to go to the bathroom," I said and shoved his arm off.

"Wait!" Toby said quite persistently and checked his watch again. "It's half time soon. You can go then."

"But it's a time out now," I argued and stood up. "Why can't I just use the bathroom?"

"Attention, everyone!" the loudspeaker blared and I turned to see the huge screen. "Someone has a very huge announcement."

I kept staring at the screen until I realized it was a mirror.

"Holy shit! Why is it on us?" I asked and turned to see what Toby's reaction was, but instead he was smiling as he kneeled down. Both knees, thankfully.

"Spencer," he said and smiled adorably while the thousands of fans in the stadium clapped. He reached for my hand and my eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as the stadium got louder. 

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