Chapter 298

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Chapter 298: Toby's POV

"Whatever," Spencer texted back and I knew I had screwed up.

"Is everything alright, sir?" Mr. Williams asked.

"My girlfriend. It's personal. Never mind. But why are you trying to sell me an engagement ring? Are you that desperate for money? I told you already that I don't have much."

"She doesn't need some necklace. This girl deserves to be married!"

"You don't know us."

"True, but I do know that you guys aren't teenagers. Obviously, this is a serious relationship."

"Look, we just got back together."

"I don't think that stops what you guys have. Look, just buy the ring. You don't have to propose any time soon. I'm just saving you money here."

"How the fuck are you saving me money?" I asked in anger. "Engagement rings are expensive as fuck."

"Language," Mr. Williams muttered. "You're going to buy an engagement ring eventually. Now, you don't need to buy the necklace."

I laughed in anger. Was this guy serious?

"Show me your collection."


"Hey, is Spencer here?" I asked Hanna when she opened the door.

"I thought you canceled on her."

"Just please let me talk to her."

"Who's at the door?" I heard Spencer's voice say and I pushed past Hanna into her house. "Oh, what are you doing here? I thought something came up."

"No, that was stupid of me. I'm taking you out somewhere nice."

"Why should I come with you?"

"Because I love you more than anything, Spencer. And I don't deserve you, but I'm begging you to let me take you on a date tonight. I promised and I was an idiot to cancel. I wasn't thinking."

Spencer sighed and then smiled. "Fine, but I don't feel like changing."

I examined her outfit. She was in jeans and a hoodie. I looked at my outfit. I was dressed even more casually.

"Works for me!" I said and she stepped outside after saying goodbye to Hanna.

"So where are we going?"


"WHAT?" Spencer exclaimed.

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