Chapter 200

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Chapter 200: Toby's POV

"Wow, it's much hotter here than in Rosewood," I told Mona as we got our suitcases from the airport's baggage claim.

"Whatever, Toby. I just want to sleep," she said as we hailed a taxi.

"Where are we even staying?" I asked.

"Some motel I found."

"Ugh, I hate motels," I said. "Reminds me of you-know-who."

"Oh, grow up!" Mona groaned.


The whole night, I couldn't sleep. Thankfully, I had my own room so I didn't have to awkwardly share one with Mona. I couldn't help but think about tomorrow. I didn't even know what I was going to do in the dance. What if we didn't even get in? Surely, we had to. I mean, I'm with Mona! That bitch is hella manipulative!


"You look amazing by the way," I added when the taxi dropped us at Lincoln High School at 6 PM.

"You mean that?" Mona asked shyly.

"Mona, you're gorgeous."

"Thanks, Toby. I'll admit you're not so bad yourself and this is honestly really sweet of you. You know, if I was Spencer, I would have never even let you go. I just hope someday I'll find a guy as amazing as you," Mona said and smiled a genuine smile.

Maybe if you weren't such a creepy bitch, you would have a boyfriend.

"Maybe," I said and held out my hand for her. We walked together to the back parking lot where a long line of students stood, waiting to get in line. I was wearing the some tux I had rented from a boutique near our motel. Mona was wearing a gorgeous purple dress. We had spent all morning choosing our outfits.

"I'll go buy us tickets. The people operating the ticket booth look like horny freshmen," Mona said. "You stand in line."

"I'm pretty sure you need a school ID to get in," I told her.

"Or sex appeal," she said and moved the neck of her dress a little down, exposing her cleavage. I tried not to stare. 

"Too bad you have neither," I teased.


"Do you know where Spencer Hastings is?" I asked the first girl I saw when Mona and I entered the dance.

"Never heard of her," the girl replied.

"Do you know a Spencer Hastings?" I asked another boy and he raised his eyebrows. "She's like 5'7, brown hair, sexy as hell. Know her?"

"There's a lot of girls like that in this school," he replied an walked away.

"Spencer?" I called out randomly and an Asian boy came walking towards me. 

"Hi, I'm Spencer Chen. You're looking for me?"

"No, I'm looking for my ex-girlfriend," I said. "Spencer Hastings? You must know someone in this school with the same exact name as you."

"Sorry, man," he said and looked at me weirdly.

"Spencer just joined this school, Toby. Hardly anyone is going to know who she is," Mona told me. "We just have to find her in person."

"Yeah, you're right," I said. "Hey, why don't we split up? I'll take this side of the hall and you look around near the drinks and food area."

"Sure," she said and strutted away.

I walked through the crowd of people dancing with their dates, trying to find Spencer. It was way too packed in here and super dark. I couldn't see clearly and I was tripping on some girls' dresses. People stared at me as I tried making my way through a group of couples making out in the corner.

"Kenny?" I heard a voice and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and gasped.

The Devil Has Absजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें