Chapter 283

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Chapter 283: Spencer's POV

"Where were you?" I asked when Melissa opened the front door. I was sitting on the living room couch, eating my breakfast.

"I visited a friend. How did you sleep?"

"It's so early though."

"How was your sleep?"

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Promise me you won't get mad," Melissa said and sat down next to me. I nodded.

"I went to visit Toby in the hospital. He actually told me to give this to you," she replied and pulled out my scrapbook from her purse.

"He didn't burn it!" I exclaimed. "Wait, why did you go there?"

"I wanted to talk to him. Let's just forget about it. Do you want me to drive you to Stanford?"

"I'm not going to classes for a while."

"Fine by me, but that doesn't mean you can just mope around here. You're going to fall behind."

"You told me that I can take as much time as I need."

"Spencer, I don't think you need time. You need something to get your mind off Toby and sitting here with nothing to do is just going to make you think about him more."

"True," I agreed. "What did you need to talk to him about?"

"I needed to talk to him about something that's confidential, but I'll assure you that he's nowhere close to forgiving you. I'm sorry," she said and stroked my arm.

"I don't even want to care anymore. So what are we going to do today?"

"Well, I was had lunch plans with some friends, but I'll postpone them to take care of my sister."

"Mel, I'm fine!" I pleaded. "Just go, okay? I'll be fine."

"Spence, I want to look after you and more importantly, keep you away from the hospital."

"I'm not going to go there," I said. "I'll spend the day in the house if you want to."

"That's not healthy either. Let's go out, Spence. Like, now. Go shower."

"Ugh!" I groaned.


"Great America. Seriously?" I asked my sister as we reached the amusement park. "What are we? Sixteen?"

"Why can't you shut up and have some fun with your big sis?"

"I suppose I can," I said and smiled. "But you better buy me hella food."

"I promise," Melissa said as we walked to the ticket line. "At least the line isn't long."

"We better get in soon."

"Relax, Spence. We can spend the whole day here."

"I just feel so old here!" I exclaimed. "Look at those kids. They're on a field trip for like, the seventh grade."

"Please, you're not old," a voice said and I turned around to see a cute brown haired man standing. He was with another man, who was equally good looking. 

"Well, thank you. But being twenty-two is old compared to all these teenagers here."

"Try being twenty-eight," he said and I tried to avoid looking surprised.

"You look much younger," I said. "Both of you."

"Thanks, beautiful," the second man replied and I blushed. "I'm Adam by the way."

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