Chapter 270

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Chapter 270: Toby's POV

I smiled and so did Spencer.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'm so glad that I made the decision to tutor you, which seemed so stupid back then," she told me and reached for my hand.

"It was fate," I said and stroked her hand. "Why don't we take a spin in your new car?"

"Great way to change the conversation," Spencer muttered and placed the scrap book aside. "I'm going to read the rest of it alone because I don't want you to see me crying so much."

"Like I said in your graduation speech, I've seen you cry many times before. But true, let's have some fun while I'm here. Grab your keys."


I admired Spencer's new black BMW.

"Damn, I wish my parents were rich and bought me shit like this," I said while Spencer and I stood by the driver's door. "Have you driven it yet?"

"No. I've never even been inside it."

"Great! Let's inaugurate it!" I said and headed towards the passenger side.

"Tobes!" Spencer called out and tossed me the keys. "You first."

"No way!" 

"Yes way!"

"I just hope you have a lot of insurance," I mumbled as Spencer and I exchanged posititions.


"You should have seen the driver's face of the car we just passed," Spencer said as I drove slowly on the highway. I had no idea where we were going, but it felt nice to drive such a luxurious car.

"He's jealous of you."

"Because of my new car?"

"No, because you have the sexiest driver ever."

"I didn't know I was driving," Spencer said.

"So lame. You're so lame," I said and she laughed. "Where are we going by the way?"

"Well, if you take the next exit, there's a good Mexican restaurant if you want to get some lunch."

"I guess I'm hungry."


"When are you going to meet up with Emily, Hanna, and Aria? When are they leaving?"

"We're actually having lunch together tomorrow. For today, I'm all yours, Tobes," Spencer said and the waiter arrived at our table. He looked young and friendly.

"Hi! My name is Zeke. I'll be your waiter for today," he began enthusiastically. "Now what drinks can I get for the happy couple?"

"Um," Spencer said awkwardly and I looked down at my menu. "We're not like that."

"Shoot! Siblings?" Zeke tried again.

"Ew, no!" I interjected.

"Sorry. Friends?"

Spencer shot me a look and we both blushed.

"Just get us some water, please," I said and Zeke left in a hurry.

"We're not dressed well enough to be on a date," Spencer remarked.

"Neither do we look alike."

"So we're friends?" she asked.

"To be honest, I don't think we'll ever be just friends. We have way too much history and we've done way too much stuff with each other that normal friends don't do with each other."

"Like last night."

"Let's just avoid putting a label on our relationship and we'll be fine," I advised. "But for now, introduce me as your friend."

Zeke came back to our table with two glasses of water. "Sorry, guys, but I'm actually going on my break right now. Don't worry, I'm having another watier cover for me. There he is!"

Within thirty seconds, our new waiter arrived in front of our table and he looked really familiar...

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