Chapter 108

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Chapter 108: Toby's POV

"Spencer!" I said as she stood in the doorway holding a cake, tears flowing down her face.

"I'll see you later," Mona said and strolled out casually.

I walked up slowly to Spencer, not ready for what I was getting into.

"Happy anniversary," she told me, still crying, and then shoved the cake in my face.

I wiped a little off and Spencer started to leave.

"Spencer, wait. I can explain!"

She turned around. "No, you can't! Don't you get it? We always say we can explain, but this time you really can't!" she yelled.

"Spencer, I was trying to protect you!" I tried to say.

"Oh, so you join Mona's A gang for that? All this time, I can't believe I've been trying to protect you from A and you've just been a part of it. Using me. Toby, you used me!" she yelled. She was crying more than ever.

"Spencer," I said calmly and tried to grab her hand, but she shook it off and slapped me hard in the face. "Mona forced me to help her. I didn't have any choice."

"You didn't have a choice?" she said angrily. "There's something called saying NO! N-O MEANS NO!"

"She was going to kill me, Spencer! And worse, she was going to hurt you and your friends unless I joined!"

"Yeah, like she doesn't torture me enough already. And all this time you've been helping her."

"Maybe I made a mistake, but Spencer, I never have used you in my life. Just please, give me another chance." At this point, I was crying too.

"You could have told me that you were A and I would have understood, Toby," Spencer told me. "Just don't ever talk to me again." She turned around, but Dad stopped her on the stairs.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Dad asked and noticed that we were both crying. "I heard so much yelling. Is everthing okay?"

"Your son is the biggest asshole I've ever met," she told him. "I don't ever want to see him again."

Spencer ran down the stairs and out the door.

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked.

"I don't know, Dad. Can you just please leave me alone?"

"No, I meant what are you doing here in your room? Go! Run after that girl because I assure you, you will never find a girl as amazing as her. Go fight for her, Toby," Dad told me.

"I know, but I've done all the fighting I can..." I replied sadly.

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