Chapter 287

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Chapter 287: Spencer's POV

"How did we even do that?" I asked in exhaustion as I lay back on my bed. It took a lot longer than usual to get into the actual sex, but Toby was fast. Virgin alert.

"That was fucking amazing," he said as he lay next to me. It took me a while to get him from his wheelchair to the bed and I had no intention of helping him back in his wheelchair.

"Yeah, we used to do that all the time," I said in triumph. "Here, let me get you dressed so we can both have a good night's sleep."

"I don't think I can ever sleep after that," Toby replied in amazement.

"Get over it!" I joked. "I'll fuck you again tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Shitttttt! Now I definitely can't sleep!"


"No classes today?" Mom asked me when she entered my room to see me sitting on the bed, eating Cheetos and reading a book.

"Canceled," I replied and Mom nodded.

"So Toby's parents picked him up?"

"Yeah, they're staying in a hotel, but Toby's actually in a therapy center now. There's other people his age in wheelchairs there so he gets to talk and interact with them. I haven't visited him though."

"I bet you miss him a lot."

"I miss him so freaking much," I admitted and she smiled.

"That's how you know you're in love. When he's yours and he's right there, but you still miss him."

"Thanks, Mom," I said and she smiled.

"Call him, hun," she replied, tossed me my phone from the table next to me, and left the room.

I dialed Toby's number, not expecting him to pick up.

"Spence, what's up?" he asked and I smiled.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. I really miss you."

"I miss you, too, even though it's probably been two hours since I saw you."

"That's how you know you're in love."

"True. Well, you can come over anytime, you know. I'm just at the center trying to find people to talk to. It's so boring."

"Say no more. I'm on my way."


"Miss, are you visiting someone?" the front desk man asked courteously when I entered the therapy center. I felt so out of place and pathetic at the same time, looking at many disabled children around me.

"Toby Cavanaugh."

"You can head inside," he replied and pointed behind him.

"Thanks," I replied and walked into the room he pointed to. As I entered, I noticed many teenagers around me, some in wheelchairs, some on crutches. I felt so privileged.

"Spencer!" I heard Toby's voice say and I turned around to see Toby wheeling himself towards me. I bent down to give him a kiss on his lips. "What's up?"

"I missed you a lot. Well, I still miss you even though you're right here," I replied and he laughed. "Did you meet anyone?"

"Yeah," he replied and looked down. "Look, she's coming here."

I looked to my right to see a cute brunette wheeling herself towards us. She looked relatively young, maybe 19 or 20.

"Hey, Toby," she said excitedly. "I just asked Mr. Cooper and he said we're getting pizza for lunch!"

"Yes!" Toby replied and they high fived. What the...

The girl looked up at me and smiled. Toby just stared at both of us.

"Introduce me," I whispered.

"Oh, yeah. Spence, this is Sandy. Sandy, this is Spencer."

Just "Spencer?" 

"I'm Toby's girlfriend," I said in my bitchy voice and shook Sandy's hand. I got bad vibes from this girl.

"Oh, Toby didn't tell me he had a pretty girlfriend. Yet again, we just met."

"Sorry, I didn't get to that part yet," Toby said and I noticed his cheeks getting red.

"It's okay!" she said and placed her hand on his thigh.

Woah there, biotch.

"Anyway, do you want me to take you out for lunch?" I asked Toby.

"Didn't you just hear Sandy? We're getting pizza! I'm sure you can stay for some."

I stared at Toby in surprise and then at Sandy. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"You know what? You two have fun together," I said and turned around to start walking towards the door.

"Spence!" I heard Toby's voice again and turned around. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm not doing anything. Hey, just have fun and we'll talk later," I said and faked a smile.

"If you don't like Sandy, I'll stop talking to her."

"It's not Sandy who's pissing me off right now," I replied and pursed my lips. "I have to go back home now to finish some homework."

"Can I have a kiss first?" Toby asked and I smiled genuinely this time.

I bent down and kissed Toby's soft lips. I opened one eye to see Sandy staring at me and smiling.

"I love you," Toby said and I kissed him again.

"I love you more. Eat well because you need it. I'll see you later, Tobes."

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