Chapter 134

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Chapter 134: Toby's POV

I removed my shirt and laid down on my bed. I felt bad for leaving Spencer all alone with Jenna. I should be protecting her, not making her feel uncomfortable. 

I got out of bed and walked outside. I wanted to knock, but I could hear that they were talking to each other and didn't want to disrupt this rare occurrence. 

"Why would you ask such a thing?" Jenna asked.

"Because I wouldn't blame you if you were A," Spencer replied and I gasped. "You deserve to torture us after we permanently blinded you."

"Well, just because you guys are bitches doesn't mean I have to be one. Mona offered me, you know, but I rejected, which is why she kinda hates me."

"So Mona hates everyone that rejects her?" Spencer asked and I could tell she was worrying about me.

"Basically. Just sleep, Spencer."

"Night," Spencer said and I decided not to interfere so I went back into my room.


2:03 AM. Ughhhh, I couldn't sleep. I put on a shirt and went downstairs, hoping to watch some TV. When I went down, Spencer was on the couch, eating some left overs.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake anyone up."

"Same," I said and sat next to her. "So what kept you up?"

"I'm worried about what Mona will do to you," she said bluntly.

"Relax, Spence. I'm fine."

"Have you even talked to her since you stopped being A or whatever?"

"Well, no, and she hasn't tried to contact me," I assured her.

"Well, I'm still worried."

"Look, I don't want to keep you up all night so I can drop you home if you want," I offered. "You can just say Hanna got sick or something."

"That'll look stupid," she said and I laughed.

BANG BANG BANG. Someone thumped on the door.

"Who's here this late?" Spencer asked and my heart rate increased.

"Go upstairs, Spence. Go up now!" I said and she scurried off. I picked up the phone and dialed 911.

The banging got louder and louder and I could hear the door knob jingle. I hoped that Mom or Dad would wake up, but obviously they hadn't heard the noise.

"Intruder at my house," I whispered when 911 came up and I hung up. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the drawer and a spatula just in case. I moved closer to the front door and then, it slowly opened...

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