Chapter 83

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Chapter 83: Spencer's POV

"Toby!" I yelled as I heard a noise from the hallway. I rushed out to see Wren half way on the floor, clutching his cheek and blood flowing from his face. I couldn't help but smile. 

Dad must have heard the noise too and he came upstairs running. 

"Wren!" he exclaimed and immediately turned to Toby. "How could you do this? Get out of here and never see my daughter again!"

"It wasn't him, sir," Wren said. "It was Spencer who hit me."

"WHAT?" Toby, Dad, and I shouted at the same time.

Why was Wren defending Toby?

"Oh, please, Spence can't hit this hard," Dad said.

"Really, Dad, really?" I said, a little bit offended. "Here, I'll show you again."

I punched Wren on the other side of his face as hard as I could, the part that Toby did not hit and he fell to the floor.

"I'm stronger than you thought, Dad," I said and smiled. I held Toby's hand and dragged him down the stairs with me and we ran out the door together and into his car.

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