Chapter 167

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Chapter 167: Spencer's POV

Why was Alison calling Toby? And worse, he didn't even look surprised.

"Should I answer it?" I asked and Toby nodded. 


"Spencer!" Alison said over the phone. "I've been trying to call you the whole of yesterday. You never picked up."

Yeah, on purpose. "Sorry, I was busy."

"I heard about you winning Queen. Congrats," she said and she actually sounded genuine for once. 

"Thanks," I replied and cut to the chase. "What did you want from Toby?"

"Well, I was trying to call you, but you never picked up. I just wanted to invite you guys to my party this evening. My place."

"You're kidding, right?" 

"No, I'm not. I posted it on Facebook. Half the grade is invited."

"Alison, do you really think this is a good idea? You just came back from, from kidnapping. And where are your parents?"

"They're the ones that approved of the party. I swear. It's not a sex party, Spence. It's more of a get together so I can meet everyone again."

"I don't believe you," I said bluntly.

"Spence, I swear, my parents are going to be in the house as well. No alcohol. No drugs. Nothing. I just want to make ammends with everyone. I don't want to go back to school with everyone hating me."

"Alison, it's going to take a lot more than a party to win everyone back."

"I know, but this is the first step, and it would mean a lot if Toby and you came and showed some support."

"Ugh," I sighed and Toby gave me a look.

"Please, Spencer? Emily, Aria, and Hanna are coming too."

"Fine, we'll be there at 7," I said and hung up.

"What was that about?" Toby asked.

"Change of plans. Day of fun is interrupted for a visit to the DiLaurentis casa."


"Damn, why are there so many cars?" Toby asked. It was only 6:45 as we knocked on the DiLaurentis door.

"Ali was and still is very popular, you know."

"Oh, hey peeps," Noel Kahn said as he opened the door. Damn, he was hot.

"Hi," Toby replied coldly.

"So, Spencer, I know this isn't like a party where hook ups happen, but after, you know, we can go back to my place and, well, I don't want to tell you the rest. I'd rather show you," Noel whispered in my ear so Toby couldn't hear.

"Fuck off," I said and gave him the finger.

"Fiesty, I like it!" he replied and Toby shot him a look.

"What's up with that douche?" Toby asked me.

"Noel Kahn, douchiest and hottest guy in Rosewood High."

"He has a thing for you?" he asked as we walked into the living room. There were people from Rosewood High, but I couldn't spot any of the DiLaurentis anywhere.

"I hope not," I said. "Wow, this party is going to be so lame."

"Same, but if Ali needs your help, you should be there for her."

"True, true. Come on, let's go find some food. I'm hella hungry," I replied and Toby led me into the kitchen. Man, I haven't been in this house forever.

As I walked next to Toby, someone bumped into me from behind. I turned around, ready to yell at this person, but I gasped in surprise when I saw who it was. 


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