Chapter 221

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Chapter 221: Spencer's POV

"PENCILS DOWN!" Professor Smith screamed and I scribbled in some last minute answers. "Congratulations, freshmen, for finishing your first semester here at Stanford! Happy holidays!"

Wow, this semester had passed by really quickly. Rosewood, here I come!


"Spencer, your cab is here!" Mom shouted as I lugged my suitcases downstairs.

"Mom, relax, I still have three hours until my flight."

"Well, I need to tell you some last minute stuff. You're staying at Emily's place for two days until Dad, Melissa, and I come," Mom informed me. "Then we'll all move to a hotel."

"You've only told me that a million times," I said and laughed.

"I'm just making sure you know. And your flight arrives in Rosewood at midnight, East Coast time. You have to stay at the airport until the morning because Pam Fields can only pick you up at 9 AM," Mom advised.

"Mom, I'm not going to stay in the airport for 9 hours! I'll just take a cab to Emily's house!"

"Spencer, late night cabs are very unsafe! The drivers could do stuff to you or take your suitcases."

"What if I sleep off in the airport and someone steals my luggage?" I argued.

"Spencer, please listen to me." Mom barked impatiently. "A year ago, you got drunk at midnight in a club and you know what almost happened there."

"But I'm not going to be drunk this time," I said and made my way to the door. "I'm taking a cab, Mom, and you can't stop me! See you in two days!"


As I waited to board my flight, I thought about everything that happened this past year. I hadn't visited Rosewood since last Christmas. I had occasionally called and texted the girls and I spoke to Toby only three times in the past year: once to tell him I had been accepted into Stanford, once to wish him happy birthday, and once when he called to wish me happy birthday. I just hadn't been able to talk to him for a long time and none of really made the effort to establish a close friendship. I guess that's what happens when love fades out...

I picked up my phone, determined to get a hold of him. I dialed his number and eagerly waited.

"Hello," Toby said and I sighed, so happy to hear his voice.

"Hey, it's Spencer."

"I know, I have caller ID," he said and I laughed.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm great, Spence."

"That's good to hear," I said. "I love you by the way. More than ever right now."

"I love you even more," Toby replied and I blushed.

"I'm sorry, but the number you have called has a full voicemail box. Please try again," the automated voice said and I groaned. I guess I would just have to talk to Toby in person.


Short chapter because I need Toby's POV.

Some things to clear up if you are confused:

1. A year has passed since the last chapter.

2. The whole phone conversation with Toby is just Spencer's imagination. Toby never actually picked up the phone.

Wattpad rated my story as R and it won't let me change it to PG-13 lol. Anyway, lots more heartbreaking scenes to come! I mean heartmelting...

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