Chapter 265

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Chapter 265: Spencer's POV

I watched Toby leave his own room so I let go of Mark.

"So do you want to...?" Mark asked and notioned to the bed.

"Ew! This is Toby's bed! And I told you that I'm saving myself."

Mark gave me a cold look and I looked down at the floor. "Spencer, I know Toby took your virginity."

"Mark, I've never slept with someone besides Toby. I just need more time to recover."

"I understand," he said and kissed me on my forehead. "Do you want to go somewhere?"

"My mom actually asked me to pack," I said.

"Need any help?"

"Can you just wait in the lobby?" I requested. "I'll be down in a few."

Mark nodded and we exited Toby's room. I scanned the hallway, but Toby was nowhere in sight. 

I couldn't do this to Mark. He deserved to know the truth.

"Mark," I began and turned to look at him. "Maybe you should just go home."


"You don't need me and more than that, I don't need you. I don't love you. I never have and I never will."

"Is this about Toby?" Mark asked sadly and I nodded. "Did you cheat on me?"

"No! That's not me! How could you think I would do that?"

"Well, you did give him your key."

"I wasn't going to cheat on you," I said solemnly and Mark sighed.

"I always knew you were hiding something, but I never knew you were such a whore," he said with contempt and looked deep into my eyes. "Good luck finding someone who will actually see past your bull shit and drama."

"I have Toby," I said.

"Then why isn't he here?"


"You think Toby will always be there, ready to take you back when your relationships collapse. You're a user, Spencer! You use people and then think you're the victim. Good luck with whatever game you're playing, bitch," he said and stomped towards the elevator.

The worst part was that I wasn't even mad at what Mark told me because it was completely true...


"I knew you would be here," I said when I entered my room.

"I knew you would come back here alone," Toby replied. He was sitting on the desk. "Where's that boyfriend of yours?"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I ended it."

"Because of what?" he asked and I sat down on my bed.

"I don't want to be with someone when I'm clearly not over someone else."

"Yeah, that sucks," Toby said. "So what did Mark say?"

"He called me a whore and a bitch."

"Wow, I did not expect that from someone like him."

"He's not wrong, is he? And if I remember, you've called me that before."

"Well, we all lose control of what we're saying when we're mad," Toby said and crawled onto my bed. He perked me up and put his hand around my shoulder. I tilted my head so that it leaned on his shoulder. He squeezed my shoulder and I put my hand around his waist.

"Thanks, Tobes," I said. "I'm not even going to lie. I don't give two shits about what happened with Mark."

"Then why are you sad?"

"Because I know you'll never take me back since I've ran back to you so many times every time I'm a train wreck," I said and fell on his lap.

"True, true."

"Maybe it's for the best, Toby. Maybe I'm meant to be single. I just don't deserve anyone. I'm too selfish. I should stop luring people when I'm vulnerable. I don't deserve anyone to love me," I complained as Toby stroked my hair.

"Then why am I still with you?"


Some of the comments on my last chapter scared me...

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