Chapter 128

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Chapter 128: Toby's POV

As I was kneeling on one knee, Spencer gasped.

"What...what...are you doing?" she asked.

"I'll be back," I said and got up and ran upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I heard her scream.

"Wait a second!" I yelled back and ran into my room. I bent down to see under my bed and found what I was looking for: my treasure chest that Dad gave to me when I was five years old. I reached under my pillow and found the key. Opening it, I carefully found what I was looking for, put it in my pocket, and ran back down.

"Toby, where did you go?" Spencer asked me as I knelt back down on one knee.

"You'll see."

"No, Toby, what are you doing?" she asked as I took the ring out of my pocket. "Toby, I already told you I'm not going to marry you! I'm barely 18!"

"Get over yourself, Spencer," I said and took her left hand. "I'm not asking you to marry me."

"Then what's with the ring and all?"

"Spencer Hastings, will you be my forever?" I asked her.

"Of course, Toby Cavanaugh," Spencer said and smiled.

I took her hand and put the ring on her ring finger. She examined it and I stood up.

"So this isn't an engagement ring?" she asked.

"No, I mean, yes, yes, it is. But I didn't give it to you for that purpose."

"Well, it's beautiful, Toby. Where did you even get it from?"

"Well, my mom always told me that after she died, she wanted me to take it and save it for that special girl. Now that I've found her, I just want her to have it so she knows how much she means to me."

"Toby," Spencer said as she started tearing up. "I love you so much, but this ring, it's your mother's and I just don't feel right wearing it."

"Spencer, she wanted me to give it to the girl I loved. My future wife. I'm doing what she wants so please, just wear it."

"I'll never take it off my hand," Spencer promised.

I was going to explain more about the ring, but the doorbell rang so I opened the door. It was Hanna.

"Hey, is Spencer here?" she asked.

"Yeah, I am," Spencer said behind me as she walked up to me.

"Look, Spence, I'm here to apologize. Emily, Aria, and I were talking and we just feel like such rude bitches for leaving you out. We just wanted to help you, but we should have respected your space and Toby's of course. Please, can you just forgive us? You do so much for us and we take it for granted and we just want our best friend back."

Spencer smiled and hugged Hanna. "Of course I forgive you, but where are the others?"

"Aria can barely walk and Emily is looking after her so I'm the voice of them too," Hanna said and she and Spencer let go of each other. As they let go, their hands touched and Hanna gasped.

"OMG, is that a ring?" she asked as she saw Spencer's hand and grabbed it to examine it.

"Yes, but I can explain," Spencer said.

"WHEN DID YOU PROPOSE?" Hanna asked me excitedly.

"Ummmm..." I began, but Hanna had already grabbed both of us into a very tight hug.

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