Chapter 257

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Chapter 257: Spencer's POV

***Over two and half a years have passed since the last chapter. Now, it's June. Spencer's graduation party. She's 22 and doing well. Toby and she are on good terms, but have not seen each other in this long period of time.***

"Spencer Hastings, you look hot as usual!" Sarah Stone greeted me at the door and handed me a bagged gift. I struggled to hug my classmate as my hands were occupied with numerous gifts from previous guests. "Congrats, girl."

"You, too!" I said. "I'll see you at your graduation party next week."

"I know you will!" Sarah replied and walked into the large banquet hall. I stood at the entrance doors, greeting my guests. I turned around to glimpse a view of my party.

"I'll take those gifts from you," I heard a voice from behind me. I spun around to see a very attractive, tall blonde, clad in a suit, standing in front of me, carrying a wrapped present. He leaned and kissed me on my lips and handed me my graduation present. "Sorry I'm late. I had to drop my sister off at her piano class and then go back home and change."

"Mark!" I exclaimed, so happy to see him. He grabbed my presents from me and I sighed in relief. 

"Damn, these are heavy, Spence! But congrats, babe. You look beautiful as always."

"Thanks!" I said kissed him once again on the lips. "You can just walk in and ask my mom where to place them."

"Okay dokey!" he said and paraded into the hall. I admired Mark's dedication and kindness. I took another peek into the hall. Everyone was there, all the guests who said they were coming: Emily, Aria, Hanna, and other guests who had flown in all the way from Rosewood and other parts of the country; my Stanford peers; everyone but...

"Spencer, I think it's time for you to come in," I heard Mom's voice say as she walked towards the entrance.

"Not everyone's here, Mom! And it's rude if a guest comes and I'm not here to greet him or her."

"Well, practically everyone we invited is here and they all want to talk to the main girl of this party. It's even ruder that you're standing out here alone."

"Just five more minutes, Mom," I begged. "Please." 

Mom frowned, clicked her heels, and turned around to walk back into the hall.

I invited him. I mean, I invited everyone important to me, no matter how long it's been since we talked. I even invited Alison DiLaurentis! He didn't RSVP, but he never declined my invite...

"Spencer!" I heard Mark call my name and I groaned. I turned around to see him walking towards me. 


"Your mom told me to call you inside. What are you doing here, babe? I don't think anyone else is coming."

"Just last minute guests."

"Spence, you don't have the hall all night and your mom really wants you to come inside. Plus, there are a bunch of people who flew in all the way from Pennsylvania. They really want to talk to you and you can't stand here the whole night."

"Ugh!" I groaned, but I knew he was right. "Fine, let's get this party started."

"Exactly!" he said and pulled me by the waist towards him. He planted his luscious lips on mine and kissed them passionately. I swear, we were making out for a whole five minutes, but I didn't care. I didn't feel like talking to a bunch of people I didn't know that well. I just wanted to be with that one person I cared about.

"Spencer," I heard a deep voice interrupt us and Mark and I both turned to see our mystery cock blocker. 

That one person I cared about finally showed up...

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