Chapter 296

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Chapter 296: Toby's POV

Spencer's lips tasted so alcohol.

"Damn, Cavanaugh!" Spencer exclaimed when we let go. "You really do know how to make me happy."

"Spence, I vow to keep you happy for the rest of our lives."

"Now I don't really want to see the rest of this house," she replied and laughed. "If it's not a big deal, can you drop me off at Hanna's so I can pick up my suitcase?"

"Um, why don't you just stay there for a while? I have some errands to run."

"I can help you."

"No, I insist you have fun with Han. Hopefully, she's sober," I said and and Spencer smiled.


"So how's Rosewood Community College?" Spencer asked as I drove.

"It's decent. Hopefully, I can transfer soon."

"Are you working?"

"Someone's got to pay for college," I remarked. "I work at the lobby at Rosewood Hospital. It's boring, but pays enough."

"Nice!" she said as I parked in Hanna's driveway.

"Spencer, I'm sorry for everything," I said as Spencer got out of my car.

"Me, too."

"Can I make some of it up tonight? Date night."

"Sure," Spencer replied and smiled. "Text me!"


"Welcome, sir," a short man in a suit said when I walked in. "What can I do for you today? Earrings? Necklaces? Rings?"

"Necklace," I replied and he guided me to the left. I stared into the glass counter baring gold necklaces and pendants. I didn't know how to tell him I couldn't afford any of this so I just frowned.

"Maybe something in silver?" he suggested. Good, he got the hint. "I'm Mr. Williams by the way."

He pulled out a tray from a drawer below, which displayed many necklaces, short and long, thick and thin.

"I'll be honest. I really want something nice, but I don't have that much money. I've been working at the hospital for six months now, but the pay is shit, but I'm willing to spend all that money for something nice."

"What's your budget?" he asked and I told him.

"Ahh, that's actually quite a lot." He pulled out a beautiful silver necklace that shined as much as Spencer's eyes did.

"Damn, she'll love it. Anything else?"

Mr. Williams showed me various necklaces, but the first one still captured my eye.

"Spencer will love this one," I said.

"Yes, it's beautiful. Your wife is very lucky."

"Nooooooo!" I said after I realized what he said. "Girlfriend. We literally just got together an hour ago."

Mr. Williams made a weird face so I raised an eyebrow. "It's not my right to comment, but don't you think this is a lot for a girl you just started dating? All your salary for this?"

"No, it's not like that. We've been on and off for seven years. I can't imagine a day I haven't loved Spencer. She's the most beautiful woman in the world. She's kind, intelligent, generous, compassionate, caring, and amazing in every way. Everyday, I question her choice to love me. She's so out of my league. Like, I do not deserve this girl at all. I just want to buy her something special as a token of our love."

"Sir, if you don't mind, can I show you some other jewelry?"

"I have time," I replied and he escorted me to the other side of the partially crowded store.

"Sir, take a look at these," Mr. Williams said and pulled a tray out. 

"What are these?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Engagement rings. Marry this girl, sir."

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