Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: Toby's POV

I honestly did not know what to do, but I needed to prove myself worthy of Spencer. We got in my car and I drove off, ready for our "date."

"So, where are we going, Tobes?"

I smiled. I loved when she called me that. "You'll seeeeeee, Spence."

I kept driving and passed a lot of places. Movie theater. Should I stop? No, too ordinary. I didn't know what to do, so I finally stopped the car.

"Oh, so we're going to watch a movie?" Spencer asked. I could hear the tinge of disappointment in her voice.

"No, Spencer, actually, I just need to tell you something." 

She looked worried. "What is it? Tell me!"

"Um, I'm kinda nervous because I've never actually been on a date before. You're my first girlfriend and I just don't want to disappoint you. It needs to be perfect, and I don't want to ruin that for you."

Spencer smiled. "It's ok, Toby. I've never been on a real date either."

"Really?" I asked surprised. How about Alex? Kingston?

"Well, as I tell you many times, Wren and I never dated and we never will. And Alex and I never actually went on a date..." she looked away sadly.

"Oh," I felt better now, even though I could see Spencer was sad. Then I felt cruel. 

"I'm sorry, Spence. They didn't deserve you, and I don't either. But I want to try to be perfect for you. You're the only one that actually has faith in me. The only one that doesn't run off when they see me on the streets. The only one that actually believes I can achieve something in life. I don't deserve you, but I'm so glad that you actually believe in me. I love you so much for that."

"Awww, Toby!" she replied, slight tears in her eyes. "Believe me, I've done some pretty horrible things in my life and I am nowhere near perfect. So just stop doubting yourself because you're amazing in your own way and I'm sure lots of people believe in you."

Spencer leaned in and kissed me hard. "Maybe we don't need to go on an actual date. I really like this, you know, just sitting in your car, holding hands, and just talking. This can be our first date."

"Seriously?" I asked. "Is this some kind of trick question?"

"No, I mean it," she protested. "I'm really enjoying this moment right now."

"Me, too," I replied and smiled as she moved closer to me and put her head in my lap.

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