Chapter 145

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Chapter 145: Spencer's POV

Shit, this was going to get ugly. I hated lying and the worst part about lying was that you had to remember all the different stories you were telling people.

"I didn't know you guys were getting married," Aria said. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Alison said and I could tell she was not sorry at all.

"It was private," Toby said. "We haven't told anyone except you."

"Well, I'll give you guys some time to talk while I pack," she said and went into the house.

I waited until I heard Alison walk up the stairs and turned back to the girls.

"Look, we're not getting married. I made that up so she would leave us alone," I explained.

"That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard," Hanna said.

"I know, but it was the heat of the moment and she's being a complete bitch so I had to."

"Okay, so what do we have to do?" Emily asked.

"Just pretend like we're getting married, but please don't tell anyone else, especially your parents," I begged and they all nodded.

"Um, Spencer, can I leave now?" Toby asked and he kissed me and walked to his car.

"Ugh, did she tell you where she was?" Aria asked.

"No, she's being so vague, but I don't really care about her anymore," I admitted. "She's just back again to torment us."

"Well, where's she gonna stay?"

"I think at her parents' house," I said and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs again.

"Admire my ring," I whispered and the girls pretended to look at it.

Alison came outside with a worried face.

"Spencer, can I talk to you alone?" she asked and pulled me inside. "Look, just a few more nights. Please. I just don't want to go back to a place where there's so many questions and memories. I'm not ready to face that. Not yet."


"Of course," I said and put on my fakest smile. "Why don't you go upstairs and take a nice shower?"

"Thanks so much, Spencer," Alison said and hugged me.

"What was that all about?" Emily asked after Alison had left.

"Give me your phone," I told her.

"What? What's happening?" she asked worriedly.

"Just give it and you'll see," I said and Em gave me her phone.

I dialed the number and let it ring.

"Rosewood Police Department," I heard a voice say. "What can I do for you?"

"Intruder alert!" I responded, trying to sound scared. "A girl named Alison DiLaurentis broke into my house."

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