Chapter 120

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Chapter 120: Toby's POV

I tried fake gagging and coughing as much as I could while the front desk lady tried to motion me to the front desk.

"Let's take you to the emergency room!" she said.

"No!" I yelled and she looked suspicious so I started "gagging" again.

"How come your tongue isn't swelling up or anything?" she asked.

Shit, I was caught.

"Maybe it wore off?" I asked, batting my eyes.

"Son, just sit down and read a magazine. Where's your girlfriend by the way?" 

"I think she mentioned something about going to the restroom."

"It's been a while. Why don't you go call her name from outside?" she suggested.

"Sure," I said and she pointed where the bathrooms were. When she went back to her desk and wasn't looking, I went down the other hall to where the elevator stood. Level 4: Vehicle crashes, here I come.

As soon as I entered the floor, I started looking for Spencer. Alas, I found her and she came running to me.

"Toby, I peeked in all the rooms. I couldn't find Wren," she said.

"Maybe we have to look a little more," I said.

"Excuse me, sir," Spencer asked a doctor walking by. "Do you happen to know where we could find Dr. Wren Kingston?"

"Are you two visiting?" he asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we're relatives, but the lady downstairs didn't know what room he was in," I lied.

"Floor 5. Room 5C," he said and left.


"I'm kind of scared, Toby," Spencer admitted as we were about to enter 5C.

"Why, Spencer? Don't worry. I'll protect you," I assured her.

"I know, but we don't even know how he looks like. I, look, um, I was the one that was last talking to him before he crashed. He almost died because of me," she said bashfully.

"And all this time I was the one feeling bad since it was my car. If I had just taken him directly to the hospital without slowing down and shit, he wouldn't have ditched me," I said.

"Let's just go in," she said and we opened the door slowly.

"What the HELL?" we both screamed in anger at the same time.


Why do you think they screamed?

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