Chapter 260

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Chapter 260: Toby's POV

"Mark!" Spencer cried out and ran past me, but Mark walked in the opposite direction.

"Spence," I said and grabbed her arm. "I'll deal with Mark; you go back to your party."

I felt so bad for her. She was on the verge of tears, but obeyed me. I turned around and walked slowly over to Mark.

"So that's why you kept asking me about you," Mark said calmly. He didn't sound angry, but I didn't want to assume too soon.

"How much did you hear?"

"Well, I was looking for you since you hadn't come back after a while so I headed for the bathroom. Then I hear you and Spencer going at each other and your whole confession."

"Fuck," I muttered. "Mark, look, I'm going back to Rosewood in a few days so I'll be out of the way. I like Spencer, but don't worry; she doesn't feel that way about me."

"Well, I wouldn't know that for sure. Maybe that's why she never told me about you," he replied, still not raising his voice. Wow, I had a lot of respect for him. 

"Why don't we just talk about this later and just enjoy Spence's graduation party?" I offered and Mark nodded.

"Of course, Toby."


"So how long did you and Spencer go out for?" Mark asked when we started eating dinner. Mrs. Hastings was currently giving a speech and the room was relatively quiet. 

"I'm sorry, Mark, but I don't think Spencer wants me to tell you all the details. She thinks you'll get all scared that you have some competition and high standards to live up to."

"So you're saying you set high standards?" he asked and drank a sip of Sprite.

"No, no, no! I didn't say anything, okay?" I said and Mark nodded. "I've always known Spencer and she's always known me. We weren't always on good terms, but when she was sixteen, we started dating."

"So how long did you guys date?" Mark reiterated.

"It was really on and off, but it was amazing. Honestly, you better know how lucky you are. Appreciate everything about Spencer because there's not a girl out there as amazing as her."

Mark simply smiled, but then frowned again. "Wait, is that why she won't sleep with me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Spencer told me she's saving herself for marriage and I respect that decision so much, but your whole story makes me think differently."

"Yeah, she's saving herself," I said and triumphantly gulped my glass of wine down.


"Thanks, Emily, for that wonderful speech," Spencer announced on the microphone. I was almost in tears, hearing Aria's, Hanna's, and Emily's emotional, but proud speeches. "Next up, I want to call up Toby Cavanaugh, my good friend."

I gasped, but then smiled to cover up my surprise. I didn't need more of this good friend crap. I stood up and walked to the front of the hall. I felt a million pairs of eyes stare at me, but people clapped as I walked. When I reached Spencer, she handed me the microphone and sat back down on a chair nearby.

"Um, honestly, I didn't know I was going to giving a speech," I started, but then realized how stupid I sounded. "For those of you who don't me, I'm Toby Cavanaugh. I'm from Rosewood and I've known Spencer since high school. I'll admit, I judged her when I first saw her. I thought she was some uptight, spoiled brat."

I could see Mr. Hastings, who was sitting at the nearest table, cringe, so I knew I had to steer away from this topic. 

"Anyway, as I got to know Spencer, I realized her true personality. She was just afraid. She was afraid of what people thought of her. She was afraid that someone would discover that she could be broken. She was afraid that someone would find out that she wasn't as strong as people thought she was. She was afraid that someone would see her cry about something."

Cringing, more cringing...

"Most of you probably have no idea what I'm talking about because you've never seen Spencer the way I've seen her. She was afraid that someone would find out who she really is and I can proudly say that I was that person. Technically, I am still that person and I can say that the true Spencer is amazing and I'm so lucky to have been a part of her journey to success. Congrats, Spencer. I couldn't be prouder of you following your dreams."

I turned and looked Spencer in the eye and offered her my hand. She grabbed it and stood up. 

"I've heard you talk about Stanford for so long and I've heard you complain about how hard it is, too. Yet you managed to handle both so well and I know that you will do amazing in your future. You're beautiful, intelligent, kind, determined, and successful. I have high faith in you and I wish you all the best."

The hall erupted in applause and Spencer leaned in for a hug.

"That was beautiful," she exclaimed.

"Not as beautiful as you."

I felt her hand graze my suit pocket. We let go and I walked back to my table.

"Damn, that was great," Mark complimented me and the rest of the table nodded in unison.

"Thanks, man."

"How long are you staying in California by the way?" he asked.

"Few days. I'm at the Marriott two blocks down."

"So are all the guests who don't live in this area. Spencer is staying there as well," Mark informed me and my eyes widened.

"Really? Why can't she stay at home?"

"For starters, all the guests are at the Marriott. I think she's rooming alone though. It's just polite to be in the same hotel as most of the guests. It's like a dormitory."

"Cool," I noted.

"I can definitely show you around though," Mark offered and I could tell he was being serious. I really admired his kindness.

"Yeah, sure! Just enter your number in my phone so I can call you," I said and reached for my suit pocket and pulled out my phone. As I handed Mark my phone, I noticed a small, rectangular piece of plastic drop from my pocket onto the floor. I picked it up and examined it closely. It was a hotel key, but it wasn't mine. I had kept mine securely in my pants pocket. 

It took me a few minutes to realize that Spencer Hastings had slipped her hotel key into my pocket when we hugged...

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