Chapter 264

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Chapter 264: Toby's POV

"Toby!" Mark greeted me when he opened the door. I had texted him, asking if we could hang out, and he gave me house address.

"Marky Mark!" I said enthusiastically and he let me in.

"So what's up? Where's Spencer?"

"I don't know. I haven't see her," I began, but realized I was being a hypocrite. "She's sleeping on my bed."

"Oh," he said and looked down. "Did she spend the night there?"

"No. She came in the morning because I saw her during breakfast and we didn't have any space to eat downstairs. Poor girl is super tired though. I just tucked her in and then called you."

"And you came here to tell me all that?"

"I guess...and because I want to hang out with a cool guy!"

"Cool, but I'm letting you know that I'm going to break up with Spencer."

"What?" I asked in astonishment. "What about my whole talk about getting Spencer back?"

"Toby, she wants you. Let's be honest."

"But I don't want her," I finally admitted. "I love her, but feelings will always remain. You just have to get over them. Plus, I'm heading back to Rosewood in a few days."

"Oh," Mark said and led me to his kitchen. "So what do you do in Rosewood?"

"I'm actually a teacher. I teach cute second graders. I'm so happy I get the summer off though."

"That's cool, man," Mark replied and tossed me a packet of chips. "But I'm still going to break it off. I'm not going to be in a relationship where she doesn't love me the way I love her."

"Damn, you love her?" I asked in shock.

"I told Spencer I loved her and she told me she loved me back just so I wouldn't walk out on her. It was so pathetic."

"Ew," I agreed. "You know what? Fuck girls, Mark! I got an idea. While you may look 17, I'm actually 23 so I'm going to take you to a club."

"Dafuq? It's like noon."

"Trust me, clubs are always open."


"Damn, this place is crowded!" Mark said when we entered the club.

"Well, it is the most popular club in Santa Cruz. I'll go get us some beers."

"Toby, wait," Mark said as I was about to walk away. "I'm technically still with Spencer. If anything happens here, even if I'm drunk, then I'm cheating."

"Then you need to break up with her first."

"Well, I'm not going to do that over the phone."


"I think Spencer is still sleeping," I whispered when I opened my hotel room door.

"Why don't we just go to her room? I still have her key," Mark said and I couldn't help but laugh.

We were both wrong because Spencer was sitting upright on my bed, scrolling on her phone. She looked up when we entered.

"Toby! Mark!" she called out awkwardly.

"Morning, Spencer," Mark said and I took a few steps back. "Can we talk?"

"Is this about breaking up?" Spencer asked calmly.

"Look, I can't be with someone who's clearly not over her ex."

"I told you that I want to be with you," she said and walked towards Mark. They grabbed each other's hands and stared into each other's eyes. I had a good view of Spencer's beautiful eyes and Mark's flat ass. None of them even cared that I was standing right there, but I felt like I was invading their privacy. 

"Do you want us to stay together?" Mark asked and I looked down at the pretty carpet.

"Yes," Spencer replied, her voice quivering with sadness.

"Do you love me?" 

"Yes," she replied once more and I looked up to see him pull her in for a hug.

Spencer's teary eyes met mine as she mouthed, "I'm sorry."

I left the room.

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