Chapter 222

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Chapter 222: Toby's POV

My phone rang and I checked to see who it was. Spencer Hastings. I pressed "decline" against my will and turned to my right.

"Who was that?" Marie asked as she kissed my cheek.

"Just my mom, babe," I lied and stroked her blonde hair.

"So I have to go back to my place because Friday night is family dinner night, but I'm free after that, if you wanna, you know?" she hinted. "It's been a year since I met you at the club by the way."

"Damn, a year passed by fast," I remarked.

I really wanted to seal the deal with Marie. We had been going out, off and on, for the last couple of months. Yet our relationship was going nowhere and I felt that having sex for the first time would really hit us off. I couldn't even call her my girlfriend; she was just a girl I met at a club who grinded on me.

"Sure. Just come back after dinner. My parents and Jenna will be out," I said, trying not to hide my excitement. Marie stood up and kissed me on my lips. She headed out the door, waving to me flirtaciously.

Once she left, I picked up my phone to call Spencer back, but I received a call from Emily as I dialed Spencer's number.

"What's up, Emily?"

"Are you excited?" she asked me. How did she know Marie and I were going to have sex tonight?

"For what?" I asked slowly.

"Spencer's visiting Rosewood!" she squealed and I almost choked.

"WHAT? When is she coming?"

"Oh, I thought you knew! She's coming tonight. Midnight actually. She'll take a cab and come to my house."

"I didn't know, Em. Shit, that's probably why she was calling me!" I said, regretting not picking up her call.

"Well, now you know!" Emily said and I laughed.

"Just tell me one thing, Em."

"What do you want to know, Tobes?" she asked.

"Which airport?"


"Hey, babe," Marie greeted me when she picked up the phone. "We just finished dinner and I'm just changing into some lingerie."

Shit, I was way too turned on now.

Tell her, Toby.

No, don't tell her. You want to sleep with her.

Do you really? Aren't other things more important right now?

She's hella hot, Toby. Tonight is the night.

"Marie," I began. "I actually can't do tonight. Something came up."

"Oh, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, it is, but I just really got to do something else tonight. I'll make it up another day. So sorry," I said and hung up before she could reply.

Some things, or rather people, were just more important than having sex with a girl I didn't even like.

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