Chapter 215

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Chapter 215: Spencer's POV

"That was great," I said, lying on Toby's bed.

"The first, second, or third time?" he asked, stroking my hair as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I tried to recollect the passionate moments of last night. "Maybe the second."

Toby laughed and tickled my naked chest.

"Stop!" I protested.

He kept teasing me and then handed me my bra and panties.

"We should sleep, Spencer. It's like 2 AM."

"Fine, but can you not wear a shirt when you sleep?"

"Yeah, but you don't either," he said.



"What the FUCK happened?" Emily shouted at me as soon as I entered. Holy shit, it was only 8! Why was she awake?

"I slept over at Toby's. I thought I told you."

"Yeah, I thought you were visiting him to talk, not spend the night. I've been calling you, worried sick. I even called Toby and I was going to come over, but I realized it was too late. I couldn't sleep all fucking night, Spencer."

"Em, I'm sorry. We just had a really romantic night," I tried to say, but she was not in the mood. 

"Did you guys have sex?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "Can I just go sleep? Shout at me later, please."

I pushed past her and went up the stairs. 

"I'm trying to watch out for you!"

"Maybe I don't need you to!" I screamed back and slammed Emily's bedroom door.


"Spencer, it's past five. You have to wake up," Emily said calmly. The last I remembered, she was screaming at me and I fell asleep crying because of our fight.

I got up from the bed and wore my pants. Emily was in a full out red dress, clad in makeup, looking sexy as usual.

"I thought you were mad at me."

"Anger doesn't last forever, Spencer. Friendship does."

I smiled and gave her a light hug. "What would I do without you, Em? There's nobody as great as you in California."

"Maybe I could move with you if I convince my parents," she said and I didn't know if she was being serious or just joking around.

"But seriously, about Toby...I just love him so much, but he told me he doesn't want a relationship. So we just finished it. Forever."

"By fucking?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's a great way to end everlasting love," I said and we both laughed.

"Well, we're going out tonight so just wear some cute clothes and come downstairs," Emily told me and left the room. I nodded and checked my phone to see if Toby had called or texted me. I frowned at seeing my phone, but then realized I had a million missed calls from Mom...


"Where are we going?" I asked Emily as she drove along the freeway. I felt weird, coming to wherever we were going, in jeans, boots, and a sweater while she wore a revealing dress. "It's past seven, Em. We better be going to a restaurant."

"You'll see, Spence. You're the one who said you needed to move on from Toby, right?"

"I mean, I don't want to, but I guess I need to meet new people.


"And you kind of owe me for avoiding me these past few days, right?"

"I guess."

"Well, here we are. You're coming inside this club with me."

Emily parked her car outside a noisy and loud club. There were herds of teenagers and older people huddled around the club as loud music played from inside. Damn, I didn't even know Rosewood had clubs!

"Get out, Spencer. We're going to have fun tonight. Both of us. Just keep Toby off your mind," Emily ordered.

"Em, I'm wearing shitty ass clothes though!" I said, embarrassed to get out of her car.

"It doesn't matter. You look great."

"Well, this better not be a gay bar!" I exclaimed.

"What? Just because I'm lesbian, doesn't mean I'm going to take my straight friend to a gay bar."

"Sorry, I just remembered something about Toby and this guy named Eli," I said, but Emily shot me a look.

"Don't say his name this whole night and I will leave you to do whatever you want with him for the rest of your visit."

"I told you we're broken up," I said as we approached the entrance.

"Exactly, but looking at past experiences, your hormone levels are the highest when you guys are broken up," she said as we stood in the back of the line.

I was about to argue, but I knew she was right, so I kept quiet and examined my surroundings.

"Spencer!" I heard someone call my name and I turned in the voice's direction.

A couple spaces in front of me in the line stood that prostitute, Jade...

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