Chapter 274

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Chapter 274: Toby's POV

After an eternity, I set my girlfriend back on her feet.

"Seriously, why are you surprised I showed up?" I asked and Spencer laughed.

"I mean, we haven't talked in ages. I just thought you were hiding something from me."

"No, I've just been super busy. Moving across the country is no easy job."

"So where are your bags?" she asked and led me inside.

"About remember Kenny from your high school?" I began and Spencer nodded as we sat on the living room couch. "We've been talking for a long time and when I mentioned that I was trying to find a place here, he said I could stay with him until I found a place of my own."

"You're kidding, right?" Spencer asked and scooted herself towards me. I picked her up and placed her delicate body on my lap.

"Nope! Kenny lives an hour or so away, but it's a safe place for now. He even gave me his car to drive here."

"He goes to San Jose State, right?" she asked randomly.

"Yeah, so he commutes from home."

"Is he still with Kyle?"

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, but I knew that Spencer was jealous. "Come on, let's talk about us, not Kenny."

"Sorry, Toby," she said and gave me soft kiss on the lips. "I know you're straight anyway."


"This is some good spaghetti," I commented while Spencer and I sat on the couch, enjoying a "nice" home-cooked meal.

"Fine, you caught me. Something Spencer Hastings can't do: cook."

"I like your flaws, baby."

"I like your dick, baby."

I choked on a spaghetti strand and Spencer tilted my head back and dumped water down my throat.

"I'm better," I said when I had recovered. "Thanks."

"Was I too blunt?" she asked.

"You can be as blunt as you want. I guess I'm not used to having girls talk dirty to me or even more, I'm not used to having a girlfriend. We haven't dated since we were, like, 18."

"No fucking way!"

"Way!" I said and Spencer got off my lap. I whined and she sat back on me, except facing me this time. 

"Shit, you got me hard already," I admitted when Spencer put her hands around my neck and I placed mine tightly around her waist.

"Then let's do something with that," she said and I laughed.

"It's my first day back and I'm not going to do this so soon, Spencer."

"Do what?" she asked as I lifted her and played her by my side again.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're not hurting me," Spencer said firmly. "I was joking about the whole sex thing anyway. I'm not upset."

"I don't want to hurt you!" I repeated. "You said yourself that I've hurt you so many times. Then why do you keep crawling back to me?"

"Toby, what's going on? Why this sudden burst of anger? We were talking so casually."

"Look, Spencer. Stop being so naive. Just admit that we never really get along perfectly and you're adamant on certain things and so am I. Right now, we'll be all cute and shit. But in a few weeks, or even days, we're going to have some stupid fight and break up."

"Excuse me?" Spencer asked in anger.

"See? I just hurt your feelings right now."

"Yeah, but you did this on purpose."

"It's always my fault," I muttered and rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath and turned to see Spencer staring into my eyes. "I'm sorry, baby."

"For what?"

"For panicking. Like I said, I'm not used to dating you and I still can't take it in that someone as amazing, beautiful, and intelligent as you wants a loser like me."

"You sound like Mark."

"It's hard dating a girl like you and not being insecure, Spencer," I explained. "And I guess that makes me do and say stupid things so I apologize for that."

"Stop downplaying yourself, Tobes," Spencer said and stroked my hand. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you're incredible. You never saw me like every other guy saw me. You actually uncovered the real me. You introduced my real personality to even me! I was some fake ass bitch until I met you."

"Yeah, you kinda were. By the way, did you ever finish reading my scrap book?" I asked and she nodded.

"It was so beautiful, Toby. Wait, I'll be right back," she replied and then ran upstairs without explaining.

Within a few minutes, Spencer came running down, holding something behind her back. 

"Here you go," she said and thrusted something in my hands. To my surprise and disappointment, it wasn't a gift; just a bunch of papers. 

"What is this?" I asked, staring at this huge stapled stack of papers. 

"It's kind of a rough draft to this story I've been writing," Spencer said and flipped some of the papers for me until I found myself staring at numerous words.

"What about? I knew you liked writing, but I never knew you wanted to be a writer."

"Read it. It's inspired my favorite guy in the whole world."

"Your dad?"

"My favorite non-family member, okay?" Spencer clarified and I laughed.

"Please don't tell me this story is about me or about us. I hate fan fiction."

"Just read it!" she begged impatiently and I cleared my throat to begin reading aloud. 

The Devil Has Absजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें